Seventeen // Reality.

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"How are you feeling?" Emma asks her face full of concern.

"I'm okay." I answer quietly. The pain had calmed down now but it was still there and that was beginning to worry me. What was going on? Was the baby okay? Was this what a miscarriage felt like?

"I knew it wasn't just a sore stomach the other day, I should of pushed you about it." Emma says letting out a sigh.

"Em it's not your fault. I shouldn't of ignored it like I did." I really didn't want Emma to feel bad it most definitely wasn't her fault.

Emma doesn't get the chance to reply because in walks the doctor with a nurse right behind him. "Genie Scott, I'm doctor Anderson and I see you're here with stomach pain?"

"Uh yes." I answer and in the that moment I couldn't be more happier that Emma is here with me. I really wish it was Calum though, he would know exactly what to do and what to say to calm me down.

God I missed him.

"How long have you had the pain?" Dr. Anderson asks.

"Since yesterday." I answer my nerves growing by the minute.

"Okay can you describe the pain for me?"

"It goes from sudden sharp pains to a dull ache." I tell him and he nods before looking over my charts once again. "You're almost twelve weeks pregnant so I need to ask if you've had any bleeding?"


"No spotting or anything?" He asks and I shake my head. "Well that's a good sign. Do you mind if I do a examination?"

"Of course not." So far so good?

Dr.Anderson examines over my stomach but there isn't any pain when he pushes down anywhere so I would say that's a good thing? At least I hoped it was.

"Have you eaten anything unusual over the last couple of days?"

"No nothing." I answer and watch as he scribbles something down on my charts.

"Have you been under a large amount of stress lately?" He asks. Stress? I guess With the move and then the whole Claudia and Luke thing it could be possible that my stress levels were higher then usual.

"Maybe a little more then usual, I guess." Could stress really be what was causing the pain?

"Well then I think we have a diagnosis." Dr. Anderson says giving me a light smile. "I'll get you to do a blood test just to be sure and we'll also check on the baby but I would say that the pain is down to stress."

"Oh really? Stress can cause that?" I ask feeling a little stupid.

"Stress can cause all sorts of problems Ms.Scott." I nod in response before looking over at Emma who gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Chelsea here will take your bloods and will check up on everything else okay? Until then I suggest doing whatever you can to minimise stress levels, of course if the pain persists then come right back in. We never wanna be too careful." He gives me a reassuring smile which make me feel a lot better.

"Thank you. I'll defiantly keep that mind."


"So that was Ashton." Emma says appearing back in my room, she had left a few minutes ago to take a phone call. "He finally got in touch with Calum and he's on his way here."

"He is?" My heart instantly warms at the thought of seeing him. I really needed him after the day that I had had, he was the one single person who could make me feel like everything was going to be okay and I really really needed to hear that from him and only him.

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