Thirty // Better late than never.

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-One Week Later.

"Calum?" I call out when I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Kitchen." Calum yells and I make my way there to join him, I had been thinking a lot over the last few days and I had decided that maybe I should bring up the idea of wedding planning with Calum. My mother hasn't mentioned it to me in awhile and I know that's because she's been giving me space because not too long ago the wedding was the last thing on my mind, but things were a little different now.

"Morning." I smile as I enter the kitchen to find Calum sitting at the table eating from a bowl full of some cereal - Not fruit loops obviously.

"Hey." Calum returns my smile before reaching for his phone which had just vibrated. The last week had been absolutely hectic work wise for both Calum and Luke, Since Calum's trip to L.A. had to be cut short which now I felt bad about because of the work load they now had. The boys had so many different artists that wanted to be signed by them but not many seemed to want to make the trip to Australia for a meeting so the boys had to work with the office in L.A. and well some of the staff weren't so adequate which only made things harder for the boys.

I make a cup of coffee and make sure to take a little longer just to give Calum a chance to answer or reply to whatever or whoever he needed to. I didn't know why but I was kind of nervous to bring the wedding up but it wasn't that bad nervous feeling or anything, In fact It was more the excited type of nervous.

"Sooo...." I mutter causing Calum to look up at me. His raises his eyebrows before a small smirk appears on his lips.

"Yes Genie." Calum says and judging by the look on his face he already knew that I had something to say before I even said anything, that boy could basically read me like a book.

"Well I've been thinking....and you can totally say no okay? There's no pressure because I know you and Luke are really busy with the label and everything-" Calum stands abruptly from the table making me instantly stop my rambling.

"Come on G, Just spit it out." Calum smirks coming over to stand beside me.

"How would you feel about finally getting around to planning the wedding?" I ask and Calum looks at me in surprise. "I know I've continuously put it off but Cal after everything with been through it made me realize how much I really just want to be your wife already, I just want to get married and spend the rest of my life with you because I...I love you." I swallow the lump that had at some point formed at the back of my throat. This was the first time in months that I had managed to tell Calum that I love him and it was seriously the best feeling in the world. It really really sucked not being able to express your feelings for someone and after the miscarriage it seemed almost impossible for me to do that because all I was focused on was the loss and the pain.

"Say it again." Calum says softly and I can't help but smile at how giddy he looks in this moment. I never really thought it was possible for boys to be or giddy but in this moment Calum was most definitely proving me wrong.

"I love you." I tell him once more and I all I want to do is tell him over and over again, I wanted to make up for all the time I couldn't return those words.

"I love you Genie Scott but soon to be Hood." Calum grins and I can't help but let out a squeal.

"So is that a yes?!" I ask trying my best to not start jumping up and down on the spot. I was so unbelievably excited to officially start the process of becoming Mrs. Hood, Like most girls I had pictured my wedding day since I was a little girl but now I no longer had to picture it because it was finally going to be happening and better then that it was happening with the man of my dreams.

"Yes." Calum chuckles as I wrap my arms around his neck, his arms instantly wrapping around my waist to pull me closer and return the hug. "Thank you." Calum mumbles in to my shoulder.

"For what?" I ask.

"For turning my dream in to a reality." Calum answers and I practically melt on the spot. Even after all this time it still surprised me that Calum could make my brain feel like absolute mush with a few single words.


"Do we want a colour scheme? Have you thought on any themes? Do you know what type of food or Cake? Have you picked bridesmaids? What about a date?" My mother asks shooting question after question at me. After Calum had gone to get some work done for the day I figured why not let my mum in on the good news? And well to say she was thrilled would be an understatement, And as intense as she was being about the whole thing, I actually really loved her enthusiasm because it made me even more excited.

"Not yet...we haven't gone over any details just yet mum." I lightly laugh and she flushes in what looks like embarrassment before shooting me a smile.

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