Fifty Five // Apple Seed.

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The silence was uncomfortably loud as Calum and I both stood there, stunned at the fact that Bradley's brother was Kyle. I never thought I would see Kyle again after out last encounter and seeing him again made feel sick in the absolute pit of my stomach.

"Funnily enough Brad, we actually know each other." Kyle smirks looking between Calum and I. Kyle looking in my direction makes me feel so dirty, I really did not know how I ever let myself sleep with him.

My eyes look to Calum who looked like he was ready to send Kyle to an early grave. I really did not know how this evening was going to play out and honestly I was almost scared to find out.

"In fact," Kyle speaks again. "I know Genie really really well." I internally cringe at his words, feeling sick all over again. I must of been absolutely out of my mind when I made the decision to sleep with him, it was something I regretted massively and I wished everyday that I could take it back, but unfortunately I couldn't.

"Mali," Calum fumes looking at his sister who looked more than confused at the scene that was currently playing out in front of her. "I love you but I can't be here tonight. I'm sorry." Calum announces before he turns around and walks back out the door. I stand there dumbly and watch him walk back down the hallway and I know that he's heading for the front door.

"What is going on?" Mali questions me and I feel so bad for her. All she wanted for tonight was to have a nice family dinner, she wanted her family and Bradley's to join together and have the chance to get to know each other but I think she may just have to do that without Calum and I.

"I'm not really sure how to explain this right now and I wish I could but I should probably go after him," I tell her as she stares at me with a look of confusion and concern. "I'm sorry Mali, this is not how I wanted this night to go for you." I give her a grim smile before following after Calum and walking back out of the room and down the hallway.

Calum is already in the car by the time I reach him, confirming that we were definitely not sticking around for dinner.

"Cal," I say softly as I get in to the passenger side and shut the door.

"I don't want to talk about it Genie," Calum states firmly. "I just want to go home."

Okay." I say tenderly as I put my seat belt on. I knew from experience that if Calum didn't want to talk about something than it was best to not push him. I could see the anger radiating off him and It was pretty apparent that he needed the chance to calm down before we even attempted to have a conversation about Kyle.

The car ride home is uncomfortably quiet, which for Calum and I is rare. We were always talking and if we weren't then we were in the most pleasant silence but this was something we had never really experienced together and I didn't know what to do or what to say.

A deep frown had been etched on Calum's face from the time we had left Mali's. I could tell by just looking at home that he was stuck in his thoughts, like he was stuck in an internal battle with himself, one that he probably couldn't win and I wanted to do nothing but help him but in this moment, something told me that there was nothing I could really do.



"It's so strange to be back here." I admit to Calum as we approach the hospital. The same hospital we found ourselves at months ago when we went for our first ever sonogram during the first pregnancy. My heart ached at the memory and not in the good way.

"It seems like it was so long ago," Calum mutters mostly to himself and I can't help but entwine my hand with one of his, giving it a light squeeze.

We only wait fifteen minutes before my name is called and we're entering the room where the sonograph would take place.

"So lets have a look huh?" The sonographer who's name was Meredith says warmly making me feel a bit more at ease. I lay back on the bed, making myself comfortable before reaching for one of Calum's hands. He was standing right beside me and although he had a smile on his face, I could tell he was nervous.

Seeing him nervous only made me worry more. I was worried that nothing was going to show up on that screen, that maybe I had lost this baby too and not even known I had. I wanted this baby more than anything and I just wanted everything to be okay. "This may be a little cold so just a word of warning," Meredith says as she squeezes a bit of gel on to my stomach, it was only the tiniest bit cold and didn't really bother me.

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