One // Home.

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Six months later - 20th December.

"I'm really sorry Genie, I know this kind of ruins our plans." Calum lets out an agitated sigh on the other end of the phone.

"It's honestly fine Calum. I understand and so will everyone else okay?"

"Are you sure?" Calum asks uncertainty clear in his voice.

"Yes I'm sure." I tell him letting out a small laugh. "Just get that cute butt here soon."

"I will...two days I swear."  Calum and I were suppose to be coming back home today so we could see everyone and of course be here for Christmas but Calum and Luke ended up having to stay in L.A. for a very important band that they were trying to sign.

I understood and wasn't mad at Calum or anything but it just sucked that our homecoming couldn't be together like we had planned.

"Okay Genie well I will call you later."  Calum tells me and I can hear the sound of Luke talking in the background. I guess business never sleeps.

"Alright then, I love you."  I tell him meaning it more than ever, it both amazed and scared me that I only seemed to fall deeper and deeper in love with him every day.

"I love you too baby." Calum says before the line goes dead.

I can't help but smile as I step out of the airport, home sweet home. I really  undestimated how much I would miss this place, I mean my home was with Calum and wherever he was but Australia had a part of me that I would never get back. It would always be my first home.

It only takes me a few minutes to find a cab and make my way to my parents house. I couldn't wait to see them and everyone else of course.

It had been six months too long.

"I thought you were getting here on the 23rd?!" My mum asks clearly still in shock at my arrival.

"I originally was but then Calum and I decided it would be nice to have some extra time with everyone." I explain and can't help but notice how my mother's face lights up at the the mention of Calum.

"Speaking of that boy, where the bloody hell is he?!" My parents both absolutely loved Calum which I was beyond happy about.

"Him and Luke had to stay for work but he'll be here soon enough."  I promise giving her a smile.

"Well perfect!" She gushes happily.

"So where's dad?" I ask noticing his absence.

"He actually went to go get Bobby, Kirsty and Tommy from the airport."

"They got here today?" I most definitely picked the right day to come home.

"Yes! They should be here in an hour actually."

"I can't wait."  Family reunion anyone?!


"God he's growing way too fast." I shake my head in disbelief as I watch Tommy walk around the living room. It had felt like forever since I had seen my favourite (And only.) nephew, and I really couldn't help but notice how much I had missed out on.

"I know right?  He's not really a baby anymore." Kristy chuckles before a small pout appears on her lips.

"Must be about time for baby number two." Dad says as he walks into the living room a sly grin on his lips. Now that my parents were grandparents all they wanted was for Bobby and Kirsty to add to their family. I knew of course that they desperately wanted a baby from Calum and I but they never dared to say anything.

The Baby Project. C.H. (A.U.)Where stories live. Discover now