Thirty Three // Confession.

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"As much as I hate Michael at the moment, The beach was a great idea." Aria says letting out a content sigh as she closes her eyes and leans back, embracing the sun.

"It was a pretty great idea." I say in agreement sitting up from my current position, It was currently only Aria and I who were sunbathing, everybody else had ventured out to the water for a dip, I was going to go for a swim but I just wanted to spend a little more time working on my tan...or maybe I just wanted to avoid being in close contact with a shirtless and wet Calum.

I think for me one of the worst things about us being so disconnected was the feeling of rejection, even if Calum wasn't intentionally rejecting me it still hurt and as much as I hated to admit it made me feel just that little bit more self conscious. I couldn't stop those thoughts in the back of the my mind that were telling me that he just didn't want me anymore and it really sucked.

I've always believed and probably always will believe that I was my own worst enemy.

"Incoming." I say to Aria as I see Luke start walking back from the water. I had noticed that he had been extra quiet today, I just wasn't sure if there was a specific reason or maybe a someone that was the reason for it.

I just like everyone else was confused as to where Luke and Katie actually stood because Luke was telling us that it was over and he saw no future with her and yet she was here with him today. In a way I was beginning to think that Luke enjoyed complicated relationships.

"What are we talking about?" Luke asks reaching for his towel before giving himself a quick dry off.

"Nothing in particular." Aria answers currently looking beyond relaxed. I think it has definitely been good for her and Michael to get out of the house and for them to spend the day with everyone, they seemed to need a little bit of distance.

"Right." Luke smiles between the two of us as he lays his towel out on the sand and then sits on it.

"Well." Aria mumbles as she stands up and stretches. "That's enough sunbathing for now." Aria chuckles looking down at me. "You coming?"

"Uh soon." I tell her wanting to spend some more time in the sun and also because I wanted to grill Luke about Katie and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

"Okay well I'll be back." Aria smiles before walking away towards the sea.

I wait a few minutes to see if Luke is going to start the conversation but he doesn't say anything, instead he stares towards the others or maybe just Katie?

"So do you wanna address the elephant in the room?" I ask him and he lets out a small sigh before turning to look at me .

"Do you?" Luke says taking me by surprise.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I ask a small frown etching it's way to my face. Had Calum said something to Luke about our non-existent sex life? I mean I had obviously talked to the girls about it so I wouldn't exactly care if he had but Calum had always stuck to what he said about not sharing any details about us or me to the boys.

"You know." Luke shrugs casually.

"I don't think I do..." I mutter because Luke literally could of been talking about anything.

"Oh come on Genie." Luke scoffs. "It's not like I'm blind or stupid."

"I know you aren't blind but I think you not being stupid could be debated." I joke wanting to lighten the mood.

"Ha ha." Luke smiles at me. "Seriously though Genie, I've probably spent more time with you and Calum alone then the others and I know when something is up and considering how you're acting I think I've got it figured out."

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