Fifty Six // Across the world and back.

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Calum's P.O.V

The flight to New York seemed to take forever. I get that it was practically on the other side of the world to Australia but whenever I had made the trip before it never seemed this long, maybe the fact that I was traveling alone and didn't have Luke to help me pass the time was the reason or maybe it was because I was trying my best to ignore certain events that had recently taken place.

Regardless of what the reason was, time was going ridiculously slow and I couldn't wait for this flight to be over.

This trip to New York was not something I had planned, in fact it was a very last minute trip, one that I really could not be bothered with but when a client who was already difficult needs your assistance than it's best to be there. I felt bad leaving Genie in the middle of the week for work but she understood which I loved her for, considering the morning sickness had finally hit and she had experienced a tough couple of days.

I still couldn't quite believe that she was pregnant again, it seemed like we were never going to get to that place but we were finally there again and I really couldn't of wanted anything more. There was an image of myself, Genie and our baby that had been playing constantly for the last year and half, it did momentarily disappear after the miscarriage but it was back and clearer then ever.

Becoming a dad was something I had always seen for my future, I just couldn't imagine anything better than having a little person who was half of you and half of the person you loved running around, and I was one of the lucky ones who got to have a baby with the love of my life.

Fifteen year old me would not believe his luck.

Th flight dragged on for longer then I would of wanted but I eventually landed safe and sound in New York, A city that never failed to amaze me no matter how many trips I made here. I guess there was just something about the city that never slept, it was always and I mean always alive and you could't help but be affected.

My phone continuously dings when I finally turn it on, a mixture of emails, messages and missed calls coming through all at once. I would be lying if I said that I didn't notice one name standing out from them all; Mali.

Admittedly I felt bad that I had been ignoring her for the last five days but I just didn't know what to say to her. I was feeling a mixture of emotions towards my sister, most that had nothing to do with her but she for some reason she was the target when really I was just angry at myself.

The whole Kyle situation was something I didn't think I would ever have to think of again, let alone deal with again and it was bringing up a whole lot of emotions that I thought I had worked through but clearly I hadn't. I had forgiven Genie a long time ago for sleeping with him and as much as I hated to say it, I get why she did what she did, I really wish she hadn't of ever gone near the guy, but I understood.

The anger that was bubbling under the surface was suffocating and I knew that even though I had forgiven Genie I, myself, was not over what had happened between the two of them and that was something only I could work through. I just didn't know how to and so instead of possibly ruining my relationship with my sister forever, I was just simply taking some time for myself before we spoke because I really didn't want to say anything stupid that would hurt her more than I already had by ignoring her.

Mali would understand when we spoke, she always did and always would.

I knew that Genie would probably be asleep right now so I decide to send her a quick text and let her know that I was safe and that I loved her before I make my way to the hotel to get some rest before I had to deal with the headache of contracts and misunderstandings for later in the day.


Elle Hart had to be one of the most talented singers I had ever heard.

The only downside was that she was young, stubborn and incredibly fussy which for me meant a lot of extra and unnecessary meetings.

"I specifically asked to work with Chad Rogan and only Chad Rogan so why am I being forced to work with all of these other producers?" Elle demands looking between myself and a few other members of the team. We had recently opened a small branch of Hi or Hey Records in New York and so far we had no issues, until Elle of course.

"You're not being forced to work with them Elle, we just think that could offer you a lot right now. You're still looking for the perfect sound for your album and sometimes finding that sound means stepping out of your comfort zone and working with different producers." I explain tentatively and get nothing but a look of distaste from Elle.

"We want this album to be your best yet and we know how well you and Chad work together but we think it would be super beneficial for you to meet with these other producers." Andre, one of our very own talented producers adds.

"And you also have a time restriction on the album which doesn't line up with Chad's schedule at the moment." I tell her once again and she blinks at me in what looks like a mixture of anger and confusion. "I know it's tough Elle, I know how passionate you are about your music and you're super involved and picky which is your right, I mean this your art and you deserve to have that control but we just need to you to work with us a little here and that mean stepping out of your comfort zone but I assure you we have nothing but your best interests at heart."

Elle looks between us all and then over at her manager, who might I add was also her mother and was incredibly easy to deal with. It almost surprises me that Elle was her daughter because of how difficult she could be. How could a woman as lovely Melanie have raised someone like Elle? It was a mystery to me.

"It is up to you sweetheart but I think they're right and you should take a leap." Melanie tells her daughter and I absolutely love her for it.

It's silent for a minute or two while Elle thinks over her choices before she finally agrees to meet with two of our other producers, which is a sure win for us. One that I wish I could of dealt with over the phone but Elle being Elle demanded a face to face meeting, otherwise she would think we didn't care enough.

"Always fun in the big apple huh?" Andre smirks at me after everyone has cleared out of the meeting room.

"Oh always," I let out a chuckle, "I'm just glad we got that sorted today, I have a birthday party that I need to be home for and I would definitely be in the dog house if I didn't make it back in time." It was Alyx's first birthday today and her birthday party was going to be on Saturday. I obviously would of made it back in time for god-daughters birthday no matter but it was a little fun to mess around with both Ashton and Genie about it, they're reactions when I told them I might not make it back were just priceless.

"Don't you just love being married?" Andre asks, a look of amusement clear on his face. "How is Genie anyway?"

"You know she's doing really good," I reply fighting the urge to smile. I wanted nothing more than to scream our baby news to the entire world but it wasn't the right time yet. "How's Linda?"

"Same old, you know how it is." Andre shrugs and I nod in response as he stands from his seat. "Any chance we'll be seeing Hemmings any time soon?"

"Just me this time around but don't worry, he'll be making the trip next time." I assure and he smiles in response. It had been a little while since Luke had been to the New York office and I know he had plans to make his way back over soon but it just didn't make sense for both of us to come so he was holding things down back at home.

"What time are you out of here boss?" Andre asks as a yawn falls from my lips, Jet lag was a real bitch.

"Sometime this afternoon, I just have a few things to deal with before I leave." I hoped to be leaving sooner rather than later but you could never really know what may or may not come up.

An hour or so later I found myself going over some contracts that apparently needed my attention, I didn't really think they did but considering I was never really in at this office, I figured I should look them over anyway, I didn't want my staff to think that I didn't care or anything like that.

A knock on my door interrupts my reading and a part of me is relieved because that meant I could take a break. "Come in," I yell and within a few seconds the door is opened and Jay pops her head around it, taking me by surprise.

"Hey boss man, need some help?" She asks, a smile finding it's way on to her lips. I didn't realize she was making the trip over too, I mean I hadn't exactly asked her to, mainly because I didn't need any of her assistance while I was here.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Nathan called and asked if someone from our office could come over to help out and I volunteered." Jay explains casually as she sits down in the seat across from me. I can't help but wonder why I didn't know about this but then It clicks and I know that Luke must of dealt with the situation.

"Well that's good of you, thanks."

"As if I would pass on the chance to come to New York," Jay exclaims, "You may need to give me an advance when I get home though because my bank account is going to take a serious hit while I'm here," Jay jokes and I can't help but laugh. What was it with girls and shopping? I could remember all the stupid shopping trips Genie took me on whenever we came here, my girl could definitely shop when she wanted to.

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