Chapter 0

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    2376. February 7th 11:34

It's a cold day. Everything is so calm. Even the bandit camps are quiet. No one would dare to attack them. Or so they thought. Suddenly a gunshot is heard. Then more.. and more.. and more... Panic errupts in the camp. The screaming gets quieter after each shot. There's blood everywhere. The snow is completely turned to a dark shade of red. Within seconds the deathbirds arrive to the scene. They are not afraid of getting shot. They are too hungry to care anyways. It's either starvation or getting killed. That's how life is around here.

A smoking barrel is gazing down at the lifeless camp. Well almost lifeless. There's still some screams to be heard from the camp but they are muffled. I wouldn't call those screams more like cries for help. The barrel of the reaper knows no mercy. A selfish demonic creature. All it wants is to kill. Quite the artist a demon can be. It paints every wall its favorite colour everywhere he goes. It's favorite colour is the one's of blood.

Snow is crunchy under the death bringer's boots. From white to red, snow turns under it's feet as it slowly approaches the campsite. Step by step the cries get more and more quiet. The bringer of death has quite the reputation, you see. The stories tell: ,,Those whom hear it's crow's call shall expect a quick and painless end.''

The demon walks up to the source of cries. By now the cries are for mercy, rahter than help. Poor creature has lost all hope. It just wants to live on, but it seems that is a wish that's kept unheard.

The reaper enters the tent, barrel first. There are two helpless souls next to one another. Their actions predict their fate as the demon hates disrespect. The reaper is quickly alerted by a sudden movement. The foolish child reached for his weapon. The poor orfan had no chance, as standing in front of him was it, who brings the birds of death.

The cries are now quiet. It seems there's a hostage. She is shaking of fear, too afraid to open her eyes, She laid on the "painted" red ground. With the smoking gun, the demon walks to the girl, passing the child.. or what's left of the foolish soul. It kneels down at her, she's covered in blood. The reaper cleans off the soul's face, and it speaks to her: -"Hey there.." It spoke in a deep but uptone voice. Suprisingly it's not as demonic as you'd think. It is certainly scary tho.

-"Get up." The demon commands. The girl is too afriad to move an inch. The demon reaches down for her hand, but she fights back. -"N-NO!" She screams out. The girl quickly covers her mouth fearing she had upsetted the bringer. She opens one of her eyes and sees a gun stock rapidly approaching her head. Too late to block or dodge it. The girl's thinking about how she might see her mother on the other side. That's all she can think about. Death surely awaits her.

To Be Continued...

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