Chapter 4

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 The sun is shining high yet it's cold. Snow is falling from the sky, it falls onto the bloody ground. Rust town has fallen. Not many have escaped the raid. Most of the people are still hiding, praying for their life. Those preyers are not to be heard by any god. No, but a smoking barrel looking down at chunks of meat and scattered organs. They were once known as mutants, but they have been obliterated beyond recognition.

Amie feels the air rushing in her lungs. Her ears ring from the gun shot. She finally gains her vision back. Looks down and sees a hand detached from it's body still holding onto her throat. Amie looks up and sees a demon with rage in his eyes. Demonic aura fills the town. It forms wings on the demon's back. The death birds arrived on scene just in time for dinner.

The barrel of the bringer won't stop blazing untill he is certain that no more mutant has blood in their bodies. Bullets rain down, not missing any of his targets. The brass casings like a storm fall upon the blood stained floor. The barrel melts all the snow that falls onto it.

Amie hears all the gunshots. She is familiar with the sound of the demon's blazing barrel. She knows she gets to live another day. Amie looks up and sees that everything looks red. She thinks nothing of it becouse she remembers that blood has spilled in her eyes. She wipes her eyes and takes another look. Nothing has changed. She realizes it's not the blood in her eyes.. It is the blood and bits of the demon's enemies painting the walls such dark yet beautiful colour. It is the demon's favorite colour, and now Amie sees why. Yet their reasons might differ from one another.

The gunshots have stopped. A dark angel descends on Amie. He is to take her to safety. Colt carries her back to the camp. He places her on the ground. Colt puts his equipment down and gets ready to treat Amie's wounds. He uses some sort of demonic magic to fix her bones up. He then takes bandages and treats to her wounds, first cleaning them with alcohol, then bandaging them. He even sews up the bigger wounds. Amie is hurting from all that but tries her hardest to not make a sound. -"Do you feel this pain? Remember it well. This pain is yours to keep. As long as you feel it, you know you're alive." Said the demon under his breath.

Silence fills the room as Colt finishes up with the bandages. Amie tries to speak but she can't find the right words to say. She has done the very thing Colt asked her not to do and now it caused both Colt and herself problems. -"I... I just... I'm..." -"The next time you pull something like this I will watch you die in agony.. I should've let you die. It was my word, to kill you if you disobeyed me, yet here we are. I'm treating your wounds even after all this." Said the demon. -"I agree.. I-I should've died t-there. I-I only cause y-you trouble. So if you wish... p-please k-kill me.." Amie was ashamed and scared for Colt's answer. She knew he won't hesitate to shoot her next time. -"I feel like it's rude to ask me to kill you after I put so much effort into keeping you alive." Said Colt. -"I-I'm sorry!" Amie quickly apologised.

Colt stood up and went to get some food ready. -"Do you like beans?" Colt asked Amie. -"Uh. Y-Yes, beans are fine." -"Allright beans it is." Colt cracked open a jar of beans and prepared it. Colt sat down next to Amie and handed her one of the plates. -"Eat up." He said. Amie nodded and ate the beans. After they finished eating Colt turned to her. -"Hey.. Take this. You might need it in the future." Colt handed her a pistol. -"B-But why? I can't even use one of these." -"No worries, I'll teach you." Colt said. -"Thanks.. I feel like you've done more than I deserve." Said Amie. -"Don't sweat it. For now focus on resting." Colt said as he took the dirty plates and cleaned them. Amie laid down and fell asleep almost instantaneously. Colt put a blanket on her. Soon after he too went to sleep after such exhausting day.

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