Chapter 5

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 It's early in the morning. The sun is laying it's yellow carpet on the horizon for the third time after the raid. Colt's making some fish on the fire place. The demon is an early bird it seems, unlike someone he's very close to. Amie bumps her head in the wall as she's rolling over. Colt looks in the thud's direction. He chuckles as his eyes meet with Amie's. Amie had a big red spot on her head from bumping into it while she slept. -"Whaat..?" Amie asked with her tired voice. -"Good morning. It's nothing." Colt continues to laugh. -"It's not funny!" Amie whines. -"But it is! Anyways food's almost ready." Amie gets up, fixes her hair and sits by the table. -"What's for breakfast?" She asked. -"Fish." Colt placed the food on the table. -"Ew. I hate fish!" Amie whines yet again. -"What are you talking about? You never even tried it." -"Well... Yes but-" -"So then give it a try. If you don't like it I'll eat it for you." They argued for a minute but then Amie gave in and tried the fish. She actually liked it but she doesn't want to admit it. -"I-It's not so good.." She said. -"Fine. I'll eat it." Colt reached for Amie's plate. -"Wait! ... I .. kinda liked it.." -"Allright then. I'm glad you like it." Colt for the first time ever gave Amie a small smile but then quickly went and took a bag and walked in the door's directon. -"When you're finished come outside." Amie nodded and continued eating.

Colt has set up a little shooting range for training. The door from the hideout opened and Amie walked out. She stood next to Colt and tried her best to listen to him talking about gun safety. Amie most likely forgot most of it by the time Colt finished. Colt handed Amie her pistol and helped her hold it. He showed her how to aim, then he shot one of the targets. Colt let go of Amie's hands and let her try it on her own. She squeezed the trigger and succsesfully hit the target. She's a nice shot, but her hands are weak. The gun almost hit her in the nose. Colt loaded a few more rounds into the pistol so that Amie can practice handling the recoil of the gun.

A man has showed up looking for Colt. -"Are you Colt by any chance?" He said. -"Who's asking?" Colt didn't know the man's face. He waved for Amie to get inside. Amie quickly rushed inside. -"I am but a businesse man. I've came to offer you a job." The man said. He explained that he needs Colt to kill someone. The man told Colt the location where that person resides. He told him that it's very dangerous for an ordinary man so that's why they are asking him. Colt agreed on the job. The man walks off. Colt gets inside and tells Amie about the job he recieved. She doesn't like the idea and thinks that it's a trap. Colt told her that all is going to be fine.

Night came along. Colt got ready for the trip. The demon took Amie with him for the job. They walked to the designated area. After an hour they have arrived. Colt scouted the area while Amie was hiding, waiting for Colt to return. After a while Colt took Amie up on on a cliff. The devil set up his stand, and waited for the right moment to strike. When that moment came, his loyal flock was already flying circles above the enemy camp.

The demon opens fire at the camp. They fall one by one. They all died so quickly. Humans are fragile, the demon thought then stood up and approached the now empty camp. He kneeled down next to a corpse and took a pictures of it. Amie was still on top of the cliff, shocked from seeing so many humans die in front of her. She was reminded that she can't afford to make Colt mad.

Colt climbed back to Amie. After they were regrouped colt lead the way to a bar. The bar was a lonely one, it was stitting at the borders of the snow covered wasteland. While that was true, there were enough customers to stay in business. The bar was lead by a kind family. They are no match for the wasteland, but they are not afraid. The regulars at the bar could risk their life just to keep the bar safe. After all they have good booze for a good price. It would be disasterous if it got destroyed.

Colt and Amie entered the bar wearing masks. Nice rock music was playing from an old jukebox. Colt waved to the barkeeper, then they sat down. -"Been a while, Colt. How's you've been? Who's the lady you brought? A girlfriend perhaps?" Mrs.Johnson attacked Colt with numerous questions. -"She's just a lost puppy I've found. I'm taking care of her but I don't think I can call us friends even." Colt explained, then ordered a whiskey. He turned to Amie. -"Hey order something. I'll pay." Amie was deep in thought. "Amie?" She got shook as she snapped back to reality. -"Ah! Uh.. Yeah .. I think I'll just get.. What you're having." -"Are you sure?" Colt asked knowing well she doesn't have a clue what she ordered. -"Yeah I am!" Amie answered confidently. -"Allright then." Colt turned to the barkeeper. "Make the whiskey two and one big glass of orange juice. Oh and some food too, please." -"Coming right up!" Mrs.Johnson answered and got to pouring the drinks. -"There's only two of us.. Why did you order three drinks?" Amie asked, but Colt laughed and said. -"Trust me, you'll need that orange juice." A few seconds passed and the barkeeper got all the drinks ready and served. -"Here you go, ladies!" She served them then went into the kitchen to get the rest of the order done. Colt took the glass and Amie followed. Amie took a síp. She put the glass down and quickly drank from the orange juice. She was coughing from the alcohol. Colt just laughed. -"D-Dont's laugh! ... Why didn't you say anything..?" -"Oh I thought you liked whiskey.." He made that lie obvious and continued on laughing. Amie didn't like that so she punched Colt in the stomach. He spilled his drink thanks to that. Colt put the glass down and started play fighting Amie. They both were chuckling, it seemsed they were having fun.

-"Hey now ladies! What seems to be the issue here?" Mrs.Johnson asked as she arrived with a plate of sandwiches. -"H-He ordered me whiskey! He didn't tell me what he ordered me." Amie complained to the barkeeper. -"Is that so? Colt- Colt, my boy. Learn some manners will ya'?" Mrs.Johnson told off Colt. -"Copy that, ma'am." Colt said then reached for a sandwich. The barkeeper slapped his hand. -"First one is the kind lady's! Since you were so rude earlier." She said then smiled at Amie. -"Fine.." Colt murmured. -"Never thought I'd see a demon get ordered around like that." Amie chuckled then started eating.

They stayed for a while. Colt paid and they left to go home. He had a guess the man is going to wait there for them.

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