Chapter 9 (10) - Colt's ending

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The wasteland is dark. The sound of gunshots rumble through the night. Colt is fighting for Amie. He spills his own and the solider's blood. It is a true bloodbath. Meat chunks everywhere, heads rolling on the floor separated from their bodies and endless suffering. Colt takes every shot head on. He's hurt but Amie's last hug keeps him going. He wants to protect Amie at all costs.

Blood flows down Colt's face. He fought hard but he gets tired after a while. After all he is alive like the most of us. He looks around and sees a crate labled as explosives, He takes a grenade off of a dead solider's body and throws it at the explosives. It explodes and the shock wave blows Colt back into a wall. He looks down and sees that he is impaled through the chest. He can't move a mouscle. Everything hurts and things are getting blurry. He sees a solider coming his way. Colt closes his eyes. He feels a gun's cold barrel pressed againsts his head. A last gunshot is heard. Darkness fills the world. -"So I see the very thing I am when I die. The darkness." He thought as he laid there slowly awaiting his fate. Everything starts fading out. He wishes there was a little more time left. At least Amie got away, he calms himself with that thought.

A teardrop rolled down the Deathbird's beat up face. A teardrop that marks the end of his story.


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