Chapter 7: Confessions

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I can feel him smile, and he whispers back: "I don't think that I love you..." What? He just kissed me... This can't be...

"I know that I love you." he says, after a moment of silence.

I sigh in relief and he smiles again. In response, I wrap my arms around him. I slide my hands down his muscular arms. Wow, I think by myself. He's so handsome. "Newt?" he whispers. "Yeah?" I say, and he answers: "I am scared." "What is it, Tommy?" I ask. "We are stuck in this place, aren't we?" he says, with a shaky voice. "Yeah..." I reply. He sighs, and says: "I just can't stop thinking about my family. I mean, I walk on this earth, so I must have parents, right? And siblings, or pets? Do they miss me? And will I ever see them again? I-" He can't finish his sentence. I can feel my shirt getting wet, and I realise that he's crying. I let go of him and take his hand. I place my other hand under his chin and lift his head, so I can look him in the eyes, and I say: "I think that they bloody miss you, yes. And they must love you, so much. And you know what? So do I." Thomas smiles through his tears, and I kiss him. When I pull back, I say: "Everything's gonna be alright, I promise."

We sit down on the floor, and talk for a while. He asks me some questions about the situation here in the Glade. This time, I don't bloody care what Alby thinks. Shuck Alby. No more secrets. I answer every question he asks me; about the jobs, the Maze, the Runners... Time seems to fly and when he's done talking, the sun is already going down. So I stand up and say: "We should get going, it's already sun-down. Bet that Frypan's got some food for us." and I pull him to his feet. "Newt?" he asks. "Yeah Tommy?" He continues with: "I don't think that we should tell anyone about this." to which I reply "You're right. We'll tell them when the time's right." and we open the door to enter the Deadheads once again.

We almost bump into Minho as we walk out. "What are you shuckfaces doing here?" he almost shouts. Well shuck. I'm going to have to talk us out of this. "I- I was showing him the maps. Alby's order." I say, trying to sound convincing. Minho says: "Yeah. Well normally, that's my job." and I reply with "But since you were out in the Maze, and Alby wanted him to see the Maze as soon as possible, he asked me to do it." "Aha, I see. You two better not come here again. I don't want to see damaged maps." Minho says. I turn to face Thomas. "Let's go, I'm hungry."

A/N OMYGOD GUYS yesterday I thanked you for over 50 reads and today this fanfic reached 80 reads!!!!!!! Thank you sooo much <3

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