Chapter 13: Alive at last

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My body freezes and my breathing stocks. I want to turn around, but I'm unable to move. He was dead. He wasn't breathing. My head fills with thoughts, but I interrupt them. He's alive. But probably dying.

I get to my senses, so I turn around and get to him as fast as I can. I sink to my knees and start sobbing again. "T-Tommy..." I manage to whisper in between sobs. "Y-you were d-dead..." I bury my head in his chest, creating a wet spot on his shirt because of my tears. "I was?" he whispers back. "You weren't breathing and I was so scared but I had to leave you behind and I..." I rant, but he interrupts me, whispering "Shh, it's okay. I'm here now, I'm alive," and he ruffles my hair with his hand. A loud, shivering cough escapes from his mouth, and I can see that he's in pain. "Wh-what happened? What did this place do to you?" I ask, tears threatening to escape my eyes again. I sob, and hide my face in his shoulder again. He lifts my head, wipes my eyes and cups my cheek with his hand. I look at him, and he smiles softly. "Later. Newt, we have to find Minho and Alby."

After a while, the sobbing finally stops. "Are they...alive?" I ask. "I don't know." he answers, his face filled with fear. "But we have to at least try to find them."

I get up, and offer him my hand. He takes it and intertwines his fingers with mine. "Tommy, do you think you can get up?" I ask, to which he replies "I'll have to,"

I grip his hand firmly and pull him up, but his knees are shaking violently, and he collapses. I gasp and get on my knees, asking if he's okay, if he's hurt. "I'm fine," he says, but I can't help but feeling that that's a lie. "I'm not gonna let you walk," I tell him, so I grab his shoulders, pull him up and turn around. I point over my shoulder, hinting him to get on my back. "Hop on, Tommy!" I say. I look over my shoulder and find him blushing, his cheeks flushed with a pinkish red. "You're... giving me a piggyback-ride?" he asks quietly. "I'm way to heavy," he adds, looking at his feet. I smile at him softly, and say: "No you're not, now hop on you shuckface!" He blushes again, and gets on. With his legs wrapped around my waist and his arms holding my shoulders, I start walking. I hear a yawn coming from behind me, and then a whisper. "I'm so tired..." he says. His grip gets loose and he rests his head against mine. I smile, knowing he's asleep, and walk back to the Glade. No way he's gonna stay in here, he is in danger. I turn around the last corridor, and look in front of me. The group of boys is now sat on the ground outside the door, but one of them notices me. "Look! Over there!" he shouts. All the boys turn their heads to look at me and some of them get up and sprint towards me. Shocked shouts can still be heard. "They made it!" I quicken my pace to meet them half way.

When the boys have reached me, I drop to my knees, suddenly collapsing under Tommy's weight. I'm exhausted and my leg hates me. "Newt! Are you okay and is Thomas alive?" one of the boys asks. "Y-Yeah, but he's not doing well," I manage to whisper between heavy breaths. "What happened to him?" the boy asks, but I shake my head. "I d-don't know, but he's in danger"

A/N: Hey! I'M NOT DEAD YAY. So finals are finally over (pun not intended) and I promised to update asap. So here it is.

Alsoooo, thanks for over 650 reads! Where did y'all come from??


Mmkay, that's all I have to say, so....

Stay sweet y'all!
xx Myrthe

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