Chapter 9: The fear of falling apart

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A/N If you get that ^ reference, thank you :3

Thomas's POV

I wake up to manly shouts, the other side of the bed is cold. My hand searches the bed for my beautiful Newt, but he's nowhere to be found. I sit up, and rub my eyes. When my eyes adjust to all the light, the Homestead is empty. It must be really late, then. I free myself of the covers and immediately regret that, it's very cold already. I shoot in my clothes and go outside. Everybody's already up, and here I am, scruffy haired and sleepy-eyed. A large group of Gladers is gathered at the west-end door, and my curiosity takes over.What's going on, I think by myself. I run over to the group, and find Minho in the middle, the others in a circle around him. "What is all the fuss about?" I ask, and a random boy says: "They found a dead one."

"A dead what?" I ask, confused. "A dead Griever. Monstrous things that live in the Maze. Better not walk into one." another boy says. "They're not supposed to die," shouts another one. Then, Alby shouts "Out of my way," just like he did the day I arrived, and the crowd split again. "What is it, Minho?" Alby asks. "There's a shuckin' dead Griever in there," Minho answers. Alby's face fills with confusion, but he gets himself together and turns around. "Newt!" he yells, and the beautiful dirty blonde-haired boy I love to see makes his way through the crowd. "I'm going in there to investigate with Minho. You're in charge while I'm gone." Alby says, and he turns away to run into the Maze with Minho.

A few hours later, Minho and Alby are still in the Maze. I look around for Newt, and find him walking at the other side of the Glade, inspecting the doors. He looks worried. I walk over to him, but he seems to focused on the Maze to even notice me. I clear my throat. No reaction. I sigh and tap him on his shoulder, and he jumps. With a startled look on his face, he says: "Bloody hell, Tommy, you scared me!" and I giggle. "What's up with all the concentration?" I ask. "What time is it?"

"It's almost sundown, the doors will be closing soon, and Minho and Alby are still nowhere to be found."

"What? But... What if-" I answer.

"It's alright, they'll come back... I hope," he says.

Newt clearly isn't the only one that is worried about the fate of the two boys, because other boys are already gathering up at the doors. Scared whispers and worried words can be heard from every direction. But that all stops when the ground starts to vibrate and the noise of the doors shutting finds its way into my ears. Everybody's silent and stares at the corridor in the Maze. No sign of Minho and Alby. But then, a loud gasp escapes Chuck's mouth. "There! Minho! He's dragging Alby... That can't be good!" he shouts. Everybody starts to shout encouragements, but Minho looks exhausted. No way he's gonna make it all the way... and he knows it. He drops to his knees and lets down his head, Alby's head resting on his knees. The doors are now almost closed, a couple more feet until the end. I have to do something about this, I can't just stand here and watch as Minho gives up his life! Fear fills my guts and I do the most stupid thing I have ever done in my entire life.

Time seems to slow down as I make my way through the gap between the door and the wall. Newt turns around in shock, and tries to grab my arm. "TOMMY! NO! COME BACK!" he screams in fear, but it's too late. The doors are only a few inches away from fully closing. I turn around and look Newt in the eyes through the gap. He's crying and so am I.

"I'm sorry," I yell, and that's when the door shuts.

A/N Oh my god!! 230 reads yaayyy!!! Thanks!
Also, let me know what you think of this chapter? I'd like some feedback! :)

X Myrthe

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