Chapter 15: Relief

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After we had killed one Griever, we turned around to find 2 others charging toward us at top speed. My head was clouded with adrenaline and my heart raced at full speed. Minho looked me in the eyes and I noticed he was silently counting down. I looked at his fingers to find that he was at three... two... I grabbed all the strength left in my body and jumped to the side. The Grievers tried to stop in confusion but the edge of the cliff was already too close. They both stumbled over the edge and a last blasting moan filled the air. I was breathing heavily and sweat rolled down my forehead in tiny beads. I looked at Minho's exhausted form and smiled at him. He smiled back and breathed out a hushed "We shucking did it."

I shot up in my bed, only to bump my head against something soft and warm. As quick as I possibly could, I opened my eyes and looked around in terror, only to find myself located in my bed in the Homestead. I was safe. The horrible memories of last night raced through my head, making it fairly impossible to fall asleep again. I plummeted down into my pillow, but instead of landing in a mountain of fluffy feathers, my head landed on something rather hard, and a loud 'oof' erupted from the entity beside me. I perched up again, and looked over to my side.

The oh-so familiar mop of dirty blonde hair peeked from underneath the blanket I was lying on top of. Relief now flushed over me. The body of the blonde haired boy stirred and his head made it's way from underneath the blanket. He squinted his eyes and I smiled softly. A sleepy yawn filled the air. "Tommy?" he croaked with a sleepy morning voice. It was shucking adorable to say the least. I chuckled to myself softly. "Hello Newtiepatootie." I whispered. I earner a sleep-drunk giggle in response. "What happened, why are you awake?" he asked. "Oh... It's... it's nothing, I'm okay, really" I mumbled absently. He shook his head and said: "You had a nightmare, didn't you?" I dropped my head, still not liking the idea of crying in his presence, and whispered a quiet 'yeah'. He propped himself up on his hands and sat up. My eyed locked with his mesmerizing ones and he placed his hand on my cheek. He smiled at me softly and stroke my cheek. "Hey, it's okay, I'm here now. You're safe" he whispered. I looked down and he wiped his thumb under my eyes to swipe away the salty tears that were now flooding steadily from my eyes. Then I felt his muscular arms wrap around my waist and before I knew it, I was pulled into a warm, comforting hug. Inhaling his scent, I let out a huge sigh. "Thank you," I whispered, muffled by his t-shirt. In response, he tightened his grip on me.

Sadly, the hug didn't last long enough for me. When he pulled away, he didn't let go of my shoulders and looked into my eyes again. "I will always be here"

So yeah this happened yay. I came back from the dead and blahblahblah.
here you go!

Stay sweet y'all!
x Myrthe

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