// Soul Secret //

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Your Story To Live

November 20th, 2018


4 : 23 pm



I stand on the first step of the stairwell, I shouldn't feel nervous to talk to this fucker. I can hear him move around downstairs and in the kitchen, most likely cooking.

No one is home, Besides the Chaser that is asleep.

I can hear him hum to the radio, adding more unwanted noise. I hold the wooden railing as I slowly make my way down the stairs, deciding if I actually want to do this.

Before I know it, I'm standing in the doorway of the kitchen looking like a fuckin idiot. Tim stops chopping carrots, and looks up from me, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his pointer finger.

"What?" He asks, and this is my chance.

"So, I was looking around up in the attic." I pause, walking in and take a seat at the kitchen table. "And, I was wondering who this kid is." I dig into my sweatshirts pocket, pulling out the picture of the e/c kid.

I let the picture hang in between my pointer finger and thumb, watching Tim's expression grow anxious.

"Um, just one of the targets on the hit list, I suppose." He's quiet, and goes back to cutting the carrots. I watch him for a moment, taking in his distressed manner.

"Number fifteen, correct?" I ask, leaning back in the wooden chair. "Yes, Now, Can you do me a favor and run to the market for m-" "Why so scared, Masky? I just wanna know some stuff about this kid." I find a way to tease him.

Tim glares up at me through his glasses as he slides the carrots off the the cutting board and into the wooden bowl thay sits on the kitchen counter.

"What is there to know?" He sighs, grabbing the bowl and walks over to the oven where the boiling stew is placed. "Y'know, Don't you think this kid looks like someone? Look real closely at the eyes." I push myself up and out of my seat, to give Tim a better view of the kid.

Tim only glances over for a second, grunting.

"I, Think it looks like deceased Private Alistair... Don't you? Whats the targets name?" I smile, tilting my head.

"Y/n, L/n."

"That's all I needed to know."


The first step to finding someone over the internet, is searching for their first and last name.

(Learned that from a little green fucker named BEN drowned a couple years ago...I think he drowned somewhere in 2003?)

I type in the letters of their name, waiting for a match to come up on the screen. Soon, a link to YouTube comes up.

Smiling, I click onto the link and wait for the screen to load. "A paranormal specialists, huh?" I whisper to myself, scrolling down on the Web Page. "Rip off Version of that old series The two dipshits were in." I chuckle, fixing my posture in my chair.

A creak is heard in the old chair as I adjust the computer on the desk, out of the glare of the sun that screams out side due to the cold winter season.

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