// Find My Will //

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Your Story Of Living

January 1st, 2020


12 : 32 am



I keep myself quiet while I am careful to not step on fallen wood pieces and glass that come up on my trail as I walk.

The forest is quiet, and so am I.

As I enter the downstairs of the abandoned hospital, my eyes narrow at the lack of light.
"Fuck." I hiss, picking up my pace, knowing he is growing in patient by the second.

My sore legs take me throughout the hospital, and to the top floor, where the cannibal sits in a window sill, sharpening his blade with a old tree branch.

"Hm, nice to see that you decided to actually come this time." The eyeless man mutters, pushing himself out of the window and onto the dusty floor as he slides his knife into his front pocket.

"Yeah. Whatever. What did you want me for? You have a new little investigation you wanna go on?" I question, propping myself up against the far wall. Although I am skilled, to know where to hit to kill, but this man knows where to bite to kill.

And I do not want my flesh in his teeth.

"Well, you seemed eager to meet up...And knowing you, that usually means you have little secrets you want to tell." The eyeless man began slowly walking up to me, tilting his head. His sweatshirt was dirty, it was so small, shielding his bold body from the winter cold. His jeans were ripped at the ankles, his boots were bloody.

"Obviously." I scoff, folding my arms over my chest.

"What did the Proxies have to share, Jeffrey?" Jack paused, keeping his invisible gaze on me from behind his dark blue mask.

"There's one on their Hit List, presently staying at the Cabin as a hostage or whatever." I grunt as I pull out number fifteen's file from underneath my arm, handing it to the eyeless man.

For a moment he just stares down on it, looking over the pictures, dates, letters, and from his silence I know he sees what I saw.

"This, Number Fifteen...Is remarkably similar to-" "Private Alistair." I cut him off, snatching the file back from his hands. Jack let out a low clicking noise, puzzled, confused.

"Why would, He, want the offspring to this agent?" Jack questioned, tapping his foot against the hard Pavement below us.

"They both share the same blood. Perhaps he thinks the two think the same, have the same skills. Private Alistair was, even I'll say it, one of the most skilled of our kind. I wouldn't blame him for wanting another great puppet to fulfill his needs." I state, looking over the file aswell.

"But why have the youngling stay with the Proxies instead of keeping it with him in his estate? The rival's can easily track down fifteen and use it as a weapon against him." Jack was puzzled aswell.

Something I didn't get about him was that in our world, he was simply some demonic entity. But in other multiverses, his original universe, he's some royal leader of a killer mafia.

"Maybe it's his plan, Y'know? Draw them in or some shit. Last time I saw fifteen, they weren't doing so good. But I imagine Brian's taking care of them, he obviously has a soft spot for fifteen." I shrug, making Jack tilt his head.

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