// Young, (platonic), Love //

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Do you have a good singing voice?

I might.

Goodluck on stage.

You're supposed to tell me to break a leg,

not wish me luck.

Well fine,

Break a heart.


I said what I said.



Your Story Of Living

April 10th, 2020


3 : 34 pm


// YOUR POV //

"Oh way down, we go." Tim hums along to the radio.

My hair itches for how much hair gel Tim made me style it with. I let out a heavy sigh as I slump in the passenger seat, hugging myself at the cold conditioner that meets my bare arms.

"So who the fuck am I?" I question, glancing over at Tim that sits in the drivers seat.

"You're Anthony Thomas, you're going to be singing at this music festival for some charity shit. While you sing, do yer shit as taking Thomas's place, we take Thomas to his house just a few minutes from the festival and get our money."

While Tim speaks of the man named, "Anthony Thomas", I see Brian cringe with them both having the same last name.

"Why do I have to be this guy?" I sit straight again to question Tim.

"Because you have the closest face shape to him, same height, all you needed was some makeup and hair shit and you're perfect for the role." Tim mutters, taking in a short drag of his cigarette.

"K." Is all I respond with, resting my cheek against my palm.

It's quiet except from the slight hum of the radio, the gust of wind that escapes in from the window rolled down my Tim. But ofcourse the quiet is never made when in the same space as Toby, so he always has to fill it.

"Maybe we'll meet Brian's cousin." Toby grins, earning a glare from the stoic man.

Kate sits in the back, passed out while the two men sit in the middle of the van. Toby speaking up every minute to talk about one of his special interests, or just some random shit to start an argument with Brian.

"Brian's cousin's right here." I point a finger towards myself, turning in my seat to send a smile at Brian.

"We're in Kentucky after all, wouldn't fuckin' surprise me." Kate mutters from the back, making Toby snort.

"Actually, we're in Tennessee." I correct her, wiggling my index finger at her with a playful grin. She just shakes her head with a smile, waving me off.

"Tim, are you from Tennessee?" Toby suddenly leans up to the front to face Tim. The boy snaps his neck to the left while looking at the man that drives.

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