// Let Me See You //

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You seem to be fitting in well.


That's not a compliment.

Then what's the point of even saying


You seem lonely.

Because I am.

But what about your lady friend?

So if your lonely,

Come lonely with me.

No thanks.

That wasn't directed at you.



Your Story Of Living

March 12th, 2020


9 : 24 am


// YOUR POV //

Think, happy; I tell myself.

We, as in Tim, Toby, Kate and I help to clean up breakfast, doing our part. Brian hasn't been around all morning, no word or note. No one questions it though, happy to be free from dead but judgmental eyes.

I avoid the dishes. Tim has been getting irritated over left over food stuck on the plates, and blames it on me (when he knows damn well it's Toby).

"Thanks for Breakfast, Tim." I make sure to call out as Kate helps me walk to the living room, the what Toby calls it, "Nub" still hasn't grown back like they've all said which kinda has me pissed.

"Yer welcome, hun." This catches me off guard, even Kate pauses while busy helping me to the couch.

"Damn, got me blushing and shit." I mutter to Kate, making her snort as she lets me sit down myself. She sits besides me, secretly wrapping her arm around my waist.

We've been secretive, nervous on what the others might say.

Looney Toons comes on, it's the right time in the morning where MeTV finds itself on the television screen. "I fuckin love Speedy Gonzales." Kate's smile makes me smile, this side of her is rare.

For right now, it seems like it's going to be a good day. It's sunny, warm, and quiet. The soft clicking sound of Tim washing dishes mixes in with the looney characters gibberish, a sense of nostalgia.

"Y'know, if Brian found out about you two, he'd flip his shit." Tobies voice intrudes on our peacefulness as he comes in and sits down onto the reddish brown recliner. I narrow my eyes on him, my upper lip twitching.

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