What Is A Vacire?

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I felt like I didn't give information what a Vacire is in this story. In most of my creepy pasta fanfics, I mention "Vacires" at least once or twice. This is a species of hybrid created by the Slenderman and Zalgo in the early 1800's, before they had their whole rivalry thing. When the Slenderman had officially died and moved on from his human life (this is based off of my AU of the Creepy pastas btw), Zalgo came and guided him as an evil entity and taught the Slenderman how to create beings that would do your bidding, and make yourself known even in the human realm. Zalgo had Zalgoids, so he taught Slender how to create; Vacires. 

The Proxies are not Vacires, due to them being to old when recruited to being proxies. A virus is implanted into a pregnant woman, and is looked after until the vacire child has reached it's prime and has eaten it's parents, and is taken into the line of business. 

Y/N was mentioned to be a Vacire towards the end of the story, and their turning was not Physical like birth born Vacires, but was mental. This lead them to having violent and cannibalistic urges (like eating Brian in the end...). Vacires mimic human personalities and actions, but do  not think like Humans. They think more like intelligent wolves, yet always hungry when not satisfied. Also, the reason why Brian had Y/N y'know, like, eat him while he was dying is because when Vacires mate they mate for life. And when one is killed or on the verge of death, the other is urged to eat the other so the souls that have been consumed by the mate aren't put to waste. When birth born Vacires reach their "prime", it's the time when their insides have been set into place and the "mouth" of their stomach opens to reveal a mouth like thing. As seen below (ofc i drew it and its of my OC ;).

And for bitten, or infected Vacires the virus spreads to their head, acting kind of like mad cow syndrome

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And for bitten, or infected Vacires the virus spreads to their head, acting kind of like mad cow syndrome. They think differently, making them have more mood swings. Vacires like this go to drugs and addiction for an escape, a way to feel real. (This is why Y/N fell into addiction towards the end of the story so they could feel normal). 

Anyways, just wanted to add this for confused people and so I can use this thingy for an upcoming irl book. 

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