// Weak Legs //

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You are foul.



Your Story Of Living

Febuary 21, 2020


9 : 32 am


//  YOUR POV //

Everyone is absent inside the cabin, besides me and Brian in the house. It is quiet as I wash dishes, the wildlife outside the window gives me company, I guess.

The cardinals are out this morning. They say cardinals are your passed loved ones, but who is my loved one?

I hear thick boots walk behind me, in the reflection of the window I can see his frowny mask.

Ah, there's my loved one.

"Why do you have your mask on? I know it's like, a thing, for you guys to wear your masks but why wear it when it's just us?" I question, setting a clean plate into a sink, continuing onto a dirty bowl.

I feel him come up close behind me, wrapping his arms around me to form a hug.

My face grows warmer by the second, Brian's muscular arms wrapped around my body, his chest pressed against my back makes me want to melt to the floor in awe.

"I don't know, I just thought you might be into it." He whispers, conveniently into my ear. His warm breath radiates on my neck, his left hand slides down from my stomach to between my thighs, both sending loveable chills throughout my body.

It has been so long since I've been "active" with anyone. If I was ever looked to do that kind of stuff, it would always be some cute drunk guy at a highschool frat party, or a quiet girl that I would become close to and right after get distant with. Me and BSF/N tried once after we both had chugged a bottle of Jack Daniels together, we just couldn't continue on with it due to us laughing and ruining the moment.

Sex never really meant anything to me, it was just a little dance with another being to get that top of the world emotion.

I never done it sober, either. My crippling fear of being dominated, the word "no" meaning so much less to the person I could dance with. My childhood ruined my chances at not having fear during the making of love, which is why I have the hunger to give it.

With the others, it was simple, it was persuasion and alcohol that led me to open my legs and undress.

But with Brian, it can be so much more then that.

I stand quiet, rinsing out the now clean bowl. Brian holds me, waiting for me to flirt back. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable with me. I know what happened to you. I want to fix how you feel, I want to let you see how REAL people treat others, how I can love." He whispers distantly, bringing me out of thought.

Suddenly, I push my lower back into him, wrapping my arms around myself and around his neck, stretching my back to press hard against his abs.

I bring twist my head to the left so my lips can brush his clothed cheek, "then show me how you love." I whisper.

Already, I can feel him against my inner thighs.

His strong hands latch to my hips, turning me, forcing me to look at him. I find myself in a hurry to feel him, my hands reach his mask, and pull up so only his lips are visible.

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