// It Seems To, Speed Up //

184 6 43


A man is never truly satisfied.

- Anonymous



Your Story Soon Lived

May 10th, 2020


7 : 03 pm



I sit on the steps to the hotel, cigarette in between my lips. Rain splatters on my shoes, but fails to reach the parts of my body that matters.

My side tingles at Habit coming to sit by my side, I scoot to the left, pretending to give him more room but in all reality to get away from him.

The one man I feel some sort of fear towards ever since my father died is the fucker sitting next to me.

"We still tracking that proxy?" His voice sounds humoured, but it is unknown at what.

"Mhm." I pull my cigarette from my lips, exhaling the smoke trapped in my lungs.

The man taps his foot on the step, and reaches his hand out Infront of him to feel the rain pour down onto his palm. I watch small droplets build to form a puddle in the center.

"You still willing to pay off your side of the deal?" Habit whispers, glancing at me. My body freezes, even when already still.


"Yeah, man. I ain't no lier." I glare at him, like I ain't telling a straight lie to his face. He smiles, and nods as if he knows my hidden uneasiness towards him.

"Good, good." He smiles before standing off, and licking the hand he held out in the rain. My eyebrows slightly raise, I smirk to myself; fuckin weirdo.

"Imma go for a, run. Be back whenever." Habit states before jumping down from where I sit and to the cement walk way below. I watch the guy run in the pouring rain across the parking lot, across the street, and into a allie way in the crevice to the drug store across from the motel we stay at.

My eyes space out on where he last ran.

I feel my phone in my pocket, and my memories go to them.


"Fuck it." I mutter, and lean to my left as I reach in my back pocket to pull out my phone.

Holding the squared device, I turn it on and go to Messages.

I doubt they'll respond.

# 15


Hey, how have you been?

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