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"Brixlee hurry up! Your not going to make me late on the last day of my senior year!"

The sound of my older sister Esme running around her room trying to look perfect for everyone to see is so annoying.

"It's high school! Not a beauty pageant! I still can sleep for twenty more minutes!"

"Whatever. I'll be in the bathroom curling my hair. I'm leaving here in thirty minutes. How it can only take you ten minutes to get ready is so damn disturbing."

She says as she puts bright pink lipstick on. As if she won't be already noticeable with her super short crop top, and short shorts. I can literally see her butt cheeks. My sister has always been super beautiful. She has won countless beauty pageants. Always in cheer and gymnastics growing up. Always the most popular girl in school. Always has the hottest boyfriends. My parents love to brag about her to everyone. Especially my mother. Then there's me. I was the oops child. Literally a year younger than my sister. Maybe I should start getting ready? Today is the day I'm going to walk right up to Jasper and tell him..... hi. This is pathetic, but if it fails, he's off to college anyways. I have had a crush on him since ninth grade. I'm up. I'm standing. Damn. Esme is in our bathroom. I hate walking down all the stairs in the morning to use the other one. My legs aren't even fully awake yet, but here I go.

"Esme, is that you walking down the stairs hon?!"

"No mom it's me."

"Oh darn. I made your sister a last day vegatarian breakfast sandwich, it's going to get cold."

"Nope it's just me. The other daughter."

"Oh stop Brixlee. You never want to eat breakfast anyways. Hurry and get ready so you don't make your sister late."

Yup. That's my life. It revolves around Esme. Finally made it to the bathroom. Felt like it took hours. Wow, I look like a hot mess. My hair is so wild. It's long, dark brown, and wavey, which my sister hates because she claims it's not fair that I got the good hair. I might actually have to brush it, or do something with it. My Loki shirt doesn't look too wrinkled. I need his mischievous and confident attitude today anyways so I'm wearing it. I'll put on some jeans though. If I could go in my Star Wars pajama pants I would.


"Brixlee I swear I'm going to leave without you!"

"I'm coming!"

One last look in the mirror. Hair half up, half down. Oversized Loki shirt. Loose fitting ripped jeans. My favorite black and white vans. I got this. Just got to make myself go back down the stairs now. One foot after another, here I go.

"Seriously Brix?! You look like a homeless person. At least go borrow some of my make up to make you look like a decent human being."

"Shut up Esme!"

"Girls it's too early for all this arguing. You both look beautiful."

My dad says as he walks out of his room. He has always had my back. He has always accepted me for whatever I wanted to do or wear. I think mostly it's because he's always wanted a son and I'm as close to it as he can get. For instance, whenever we go to the mall as a family, my mom and Esme go to Sephora or Ulta, and my dad and I go to Buffalo Wild Wings. We order so many wings and watch whatever game they have on. We scream and shout at the tv like our lives depended on it. It's fun.

"Seriously hon, a little make up won't hurt."

"Mom! I don't wear makeup!"

"Marie leave my little Brix alone."

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