packing and stuff

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Sorry for not posting a chapter in a while I've been busy with my tournament which I won second place! But I'm back and will be posting more often

"man, he must have escaped a mental facility or something" I say getting out of my machine.

I walk back flinching at everything. I didn't know if he was lying or not for all I know he could be a creep and/or liar but he could also be telling the truth.

Well I mean, he could be telling the truth he wasn't aged in 38 years.

I walk nervously into my room. Nothing. "Great" I say. *Maybe this is all just a nightmare, I'll go to sleep, wake up and he'll be alive?* Yeah, yeah

I climb into my bed falling asleep immediately.


*BANG* a loud noise startled me. I open my eyes immediately and realized it was the door. *Oh must be my brot- wait a minute I left that place ages ago, Hold on* I think before jumping off my bed. There was a note on the door. *Not this sh!t again* I pick it up and read it.

Dear Quackity,

You looked so cute asleep but you slept in so as boyfriend duty I had to wake you up, Sorry

Thanks for not telling anyone about the 'gift' I gave you. Love you!

Yours truly,
Your boyfriend

*What the heck... First I don't have a boyfriend and second what you mean 'you looked so cute asleep' nuh uh. I'm leaving this place*.

I took a luggage from the weirdly place closet in the living room. *Time to start packing*.

I grab some clothes, food, ect.

I then decided to pay my older brother a visit after all these years. It may turn bad or good but I just want him to know I'm alive and well and how he's doing. Maybe he'll know where Tubbo is.

I put his old address hoping he hadn't moved or anything. It was a one hour drive but I didn't care.


I arrived and sighed loudly hoping he'd still live there and would want to talk to me. I knocked nervously.

Soon enough a guy around 30 years old opened the door, he didn't look like my brother at all.

"D-does anyone by the name George live here" I ask shaking with fear

He look confused then he turned around talked to someone and put his head back out.

"Why'd you ask?"

"Well I'm George's brother and I haven't spoken to him in a while, I'm sorry I must have The wrong house"

"No no, you have the right house"

"Really?!" I ask with my eyes full of hope

"Yeah I'll do get him, your name is..?"

"Alex, but tell him Quackity here's"

"Okay I'll be right back"

He then shut the door and left, I didn't really know how I felt. Nervous? Happy? Ashamed? Watched? Scared? Sad? I couldn't place it.

I was still shaking with fear and my breathing was unsteady. We never really bonded because as soon as he turned 18 he moved without saying anything. Never even looked back once, never communicated with me only Tubbo.

Then the door opened but it was the same guy.

"Look I don't know what prank you're doing but it's not cool. Alex k!lled himself when he was 10 years old. When George moved out."

"W-What? But I'm definitely alive.. I never died! Who told him that?!"

"His mother, though she didn't really look sad but still. He's crying right now"

"Can you just bring him here?"

"No. Just proof to me you're his 'alive' brother"

"We have a younger brother name Tubbo, I never died, our mother use to only hit me and she drank a lot"

"Okay.., fine I'll be back but if he tells me he doesn't know you, you're dead."

Then the door slams shut.

"I never died.."


So let me explain a bit because even  I was confused


Tubbo: 20

Moved out ages:


Ages apart:

George & Quackity: 8 years

Quackity & Tubbo: 5 years

Tubbo & George: 13 years


Basically Quackity's mother lied to George when he moved out that Quackity died. So George would never invite him to his house and to keep him there.

You're a vampire...?//QuackburWhere stories live. Discover now