Chapter 7: Betrayal

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After staying at the place for a while. We decided to pack up and move on to Charlington and hopefully there is still room. We now have a baby and also hopefully there is a therapist there so we could have a group therapy.. we all need it and honestly I'm glad everything's still alright.. for now. It also snowed a lot too

Everyone leaves the building,
Pascal is holding the baby and Jace is with them and Vidcund is carrying Jill with a blanket and Lazlo and Quinn are chatting. Roger Walks closer to Jax
"Hey can we talk?" Roger said
"Sure." Jax replied back
"Listen.. honestly I'd never thought you'd be here in our group longer no matter what and I'm thankful for that.. ever since my aunt died and we lost soo many people. We all still stuck together."
"Yeah we did.. I hope we still stick together." Jax smiled
Roger then give his hand out and Jax held it as they walked

Yeah. I've started to date Roger for a bit. He was kind and sweet. Also he needed some space and all and so I did and well now we here we are. It was great. We just kept smiling and giggling. Vidcund of course has to tell those "K I S S I N G" jokes we laughed and shrugged it off.

Everyone started to walk and stop for a break
"Ugh.. we need a break." Pascal said
"Alright well, we can't stay for a while." Quinn said
Everyone then stand around but then another group of guys started to surround them with guns
"Oh no.." Vidcund said, drawing his gun
"Everyone be ready." Jace said, getting out their gun
The rest of the group got their guns except for Pascal and Jill, Jill hid behind a tree and Pascal held on tight to his child but was looking very pale trying to hold him
"Хватит! Если вы что-то сделаете, мы откроем огонь!" The Russian leader shouted to Jax
"What?! Uh.. I don't speak Russian!"
"Тьфу! Ты такой тупой, Мэтью! В любом случае, вы все остаетесь здесь!" The other person said to the leader
"Okay just.. We will not do anything stupid or cause any harm!" Roger said
"Oh my god.. that teen, it's who we got the medicine from." Jax whispered to Jace
"Oh well.. that wasn't a good idea." Jace said
"Видишь лидера?! Эта фиолетововолосая сука украла вещи! Я говорил тебе, что тебе нужно забрать меня!" The teen shouted
"О, заткнись!" The leader said
Then the argument continued in Russian and Jax, Jace, Vidcund, and Lazlo looked at Pascal and Tycho, who was crying and Pascal begin to fidget and then they realized he was becoming a Walker
Vidcund then pulled out his gun and fixing to trigger it
"VIDCUND NO-!" Jax, Jace, Lazlo said as soon as Vidcund pulled the trigger to put Pascal out of the misery that was going to happen and then everything went white and high pitched

I don't know what but everything happened soo fast, there was gunshots everywhere, Pascal became a Walker and we didn't need anymore of this. We don't know how he got bit but they may have been a Walker where he was and he got bit. I just remember waking up and I was on the frozen ice lake and there was the Russian group shooting and my group shooting at each other. A lot of the ones we got good but we sadly lost two more members and it was Lazlo It was traumatizing but then.. I heard crying I was relieved to hear crying from the baby to find out he's still alive

"Tycho!" Jax said and crawled to the baby and carried it and then went behind the tree where Jill was, Jill was having a total breakdown
"WHY WHY WHY! We lost soo many people! I lost my parents! My brother! My uncles!" Jill cried out loud and Jax pulled her in with a hug
"Honey.. I know.. just.. we need to get through this darling.. I'll never let you go." Jax said to Jill, claiming her down
The Russian leader then yelled
"Hey Stop! We surrender! Хорошо, хорошо, хорошо! Просто... никогда больше не взаимодействуйте с нами! Если вы это сделаете, вы пожалеете об этом-"
Roger then shoot the guy
"I've had enough!" Roger said, panting and the other remaining Russian members ran away but one of them shoot Roger out in cold blood and he collapsed
Then silence,
Jace, Jax, Jill, Quinn and Vidcund all got up and headed where Roger was, in the frozen lake
They looked around to see the remaining bodies that were tragically killed.. including Pascal and Lazlo.. it was a awful sight
"Let's.. continue walking.." Jace then and they walked but then
Vidcund fell into the icy lake spot and tried to get up
"Vidcund!!" Jace exclaimed and try to reach out
"Ugh.. AGHHH!!" Vidcund grabbed their hand but then he slipped and fell back in and he tried to get up
"Leave him! The fate was coming!" Quinn said
"QUINN!" Jace shouted
"UNCLE VIDCUND NO!!!" Jill said crying
"Well he had it coming! He shouldn't have shoot Pascal!" Quinn said
"He shoot him so he wouldn't become a Walker and be put in a MISERY QUINN!"
Vidcund then try to bang on the ice but then he started to drown and eventually disappeared
"VIDCUND!" Jace and Jill exclaimed
"That's just soo tragic.. let's just go and get somewhere!" Quinn said and then everyone followed
"Jax.. your mom is just.. awful and look I know she is your mother but.. the way she is and-" Jace whispered
"I know.. I can't believe she's like that.. no wonder I was put for adoption at birth." Jax replied
They then walked and found a truck
"Oh.. we finally found a ride!" Jace said
"I can Hotwire it, I learned It while serving time." Jax said
"You were in prison?! For what?" Quinn shouted
"No reason to shout mom! I was in there for gambling. And allegedly selling drugs that I never sold!"
"Yeah okay sure." Quinn rolled her eyes
Jax then open the hood and hot wired the truck and it started
"I drive, you hold the child and Jax and Jill sit in the back" Quinn said
"Excuse me? Who put you in charge?" Jace asked
"Um.. I had been in this dead risen for a good damn while and I know what I'm doing!" Quinn said
"We ALL have!" Jace said
"Let's just get in and stop arguing!" Jax said and everyone got in

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