Chapter 10: Familiar face

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Jax, Tycho and Jill look at the familiar face and it was Jace.
"Jill?!" Jace said in shock
"Jace!" Jill said
They both immediately hugging and so did Tycho too
"Oh my god.. I missed y'all so much..! Listen.. I'm very sorry I left y'all 8 years ago and-"
"It's okay, Mom. I'm just glad your alive." Tycho said
They stop hugging and Jace looks at Jax
"Jax. Thank you.. how have things been?"
"Things have been good. Until when a zombie hoard attack the center and we all had to flea."
"Oh no I'm sorry about that. Y'all are welcome to stay here. We got plenty of room. Millie, can you get the stuff ready for the new guest?"
Jace, Tycho, Jill, and Jax head into the building
"This place used to be a boarding school before the dead rose. I found this place several years ago and I started to take in some members and it's been like this. It's just Me, Millie, Garret and Lukas."
"Wow that's cool." Tycho said
"It is. To be honest this place was like filled with stuff we need and also literally there is a huge pond and we always fish for food and also hunt too. Tycho did they teach you that stuff at the center?"
"Oh! Man! I had a lesson on that day but.. the zombies attacked the center."
"That's fine.. I can help you! Anyways here's the room."
The room is a classroom in good condition with beds and dressers.
"It's nice and cozy. Thanks Jace again for letting us stay here."
"Your welcome! Anyways I'm going to go ahead and serve dinner." Jace said as they walked out to head to the dining hall
"Man.. I'm just glad to see Jace again.. it's been forever." Jill said
"Yeah it has." Jax said as she unpacks some stuff
"Y'all wanna head to dinner?" Tycho asked
"Yeah I'm starving."

At the dining hall, some of the kids are eating on one table and Jax, and Jace are at the other
"So what's your name?" Millie asked
"I'm Jill. 17 years. This is my cousin, Tycho. He's 8."
"Well I'm Millie. This is Lukas, and Garret. We've been here for a while. Your aunt is a great leader and sorry if we mistaken you as looters or something."
"That's fine don't worry. We've actually been at another center but the place got attacked by walkers and now we are safe."
"Damn that's terrible." Lukas said
"It is."
At the other table, Jace and Jax are talking
"Man this Is very good.."
"It is. It's my favorite personally. Some fish with noodles."
"So, tell me. How have things been?"
"Well.. things have been great.. but things are still hard it's just.. I feel like every morning when I wake up, I feel Pascal is still cuddling me or I see him but when I blink again, he's not there.. I just miss him.."
"I know.. it's hard.. I can't believe it's been 8 years.. we lost soo many people but now we got each other."
"Thank you.. Jax. Hey you wanna watch the night sky. We have a cool rooftop."
"Sure. Maybe after we train Tycho to fish and hunt?"
"Yeah sure!"

In the forest, Jace, Tycho, Jill and Jax are at the lake
"Alright Tycho. I'm going to show you how to tie up a fishnet trap. You grab these twigs and some type of rope and tie them into a huge bowl thing and place it into the lake, tie the extra rope onto the pole and everyday, check it and collect fish!"
Jace shows and Tycho repeats the process
"Wow.. thanks mom!"
"Aww your welcome.."
"Can you tell me about how dad was?"
"Oh no.. I hope this can be well." Jill whispered to Jax
"Yeah I hope that too." Jax whispered back
"Well.. Tycho.. your father, Pascal.. he was a great guy and husband and a good father to you until.. he's death.. I wish it was prevented.." Jace put their arm around Tycho
"I wish I knew what he looked like. I have a picture but who knows. You age every so often."
"Yeah.. Also he was very smart too. And you do look like him. You have his black hair and lips."
"Do I? Wow."
"Yep. Anyways it's fixing to get late we need to head to sleep." Jace said
They all went to the place

At the bedroom,
Jace tucks in Tycho as he falls asleep and Jill is in the other room talking with the other teens
Jax and Jace head to the rooftop and both of them are enjoying some drinks as they watch the night sky
"Wow. This is beautiful." Jax said
"Yeah it is. To be honest. This reminds me of when Pascal first got abducted. It was shocking and all honestly."
"I bet it was."
"So I'm really loving your style. When did you change?"
"Oh few years ago. I'm loving it too."

Jax POV:
Then we just not only looked at each other but looked at the night sky. Talking about life and what happened during the 8 years. There was so much a lot and all and there's some places that we have here for food and all like a cow farm place and a huge garden. It's really nice of them to have us here and I'm glad. In fact to be honest I may have a liking towards them. I don't know. I rather not say cause as of now, they are still mourning the loss of of Pascal. I'm still morning the loss of Sadie and others too.

Jax then gets into their pajamas and gets in the bed
Jill walks in
"How was talking with Jace?"
"Good. So how are you liking it here?"
"It's all good. Me and the other teens are getting along well. In fact we are doing some archery tomorrow."
"That's good. I'm glad you like it here."
"Anyways Goodnight."
They both head to sleep for the night

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