Chapter 2: Lunch Break! Yay

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The bell rung signaling that it was time for lunch. 'Finally, a break from all this writing, people say that when you're doing something it makes time go by faster, but those first two periods dragged threw hell untill now' Claire grumbled quietly.

She quickly packed her bag, stuffing her books into her bright pink and orange bookbag, throwing her bag over her shoulder. She hurried out if the classroom and traveled towards the cafeteria, there she met up with both Zack and Eren in corner of the large room, one of the high rised tables.

"What took you so long, Claire?" Eren said while stuffing his face with a homemade salad drowned in ranch, "We were waiting for you for three minutes" he says matter-of-factly.

"It was two minutes and forty-three seconds", Zack says nibbling on one of the many cabbage wraps they made the night before, pausing to reach into their dag and grabbing a napkin to pass over to Eren who takes it with a muffled 'Thank you!'.

"Who counts th' secon's?" Claire say, incredulously.

"Someone who is trying to find some sort of entertainment in the hell we call earth" Zack says, looking Claire into her eyes and slowly lifting their cabbage wrap towards their mouth via plastic fork. Claire rolled her eyes and sat in the seat in front of her, now facing the wall, she then pulled out her phone and opening up one of her mobile games. "Oh dear lord," Zack mumbles, annoyed.

Looking up from her phone to look at Eren to see him looking back at her, seeing as both of them weren't the cause of this reactions and seeing Eren's gaze slide past her, turning to look behind her to see Betsy coming over. "Hey, Claire! Can I sit with you?" She says ever so loudly, not even allowing Claire the chance to open her mouth and answer, sliding into the empty seat next to Claire and was about to sit down only to be interrupted by one of the three satchels that Zack carries throughout the day, Betsy looks to Zack almost like she was waiting for them to move their bag and then fall to the floor begging her for forgiveness.

Yet all they did was look straight back at her taking bites out of their food. With an annoyed huff Betsy picked up the bag with much struggle and carelessly tossed it in Zack's direction all while still looking them in the eye as it fell to the floor with a harsh and loud thump. With a not so flattering roll of her eyes and her nose scrunching up to the point where her lips puckered also rolling her neck with it, she lifted herself into the now unoccupied seat and looked to Claire with a smile, Claire and Eren's faces might, if only, showed slight confusion the thoughts running through their heads said otherwise. 'Oh that poor unfortunate soul, rest in peace...'

During the rest of the lunch period, Betsy talked her head off about things that never stayed on topic, Zack seemed to grow eyebags larger by the second, Eren finished his food and started trying to get peaces of Zack's food failing each time and almost getting stabbed in the hand via, plastic fork, and Claire had to suffer with trying to keep up with Betsy and making sure Zack didn't actually hurt Eren.

'​​​​​​Lunch isn't feeling as 'yay' as I thought it would....'


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