Character 7: Another day of sch- why is she taking them?

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Once the bus came to it's final destination, the high school, the children were quick to file off of the bus and into the school. Claire and Betsy separated from the other as they made their way to their first class.

Once entering they found their way to their seats and continued their conversation. The girls where joined my two blond identical twins, the louder one introducing them both as Sophia and Donna, the silent one, Donna, waved in greeting.

The four girls chatted with each other untill the class started.

The bell soon rung, signaling the start of lunch period. Claire was quick to pack up her materials and hurry off to the lunch room, her new friends in toe. When she got there, she was quick to locate her best friends. Eren and Zack where sat at a larger table, Claire remembering Zack's grumbles about sitting so close to Betsy the day before.

The Claire sat down quickly beside Zack while the twins sat side by side next to Eren. The only open seat was in-between Claire and Donna, in which Betsy soon occupied.

The six teens ate silently for about three minutes until Betsy stood up from her seat, strutted around the table to stand a little to close to Zack, "Zack, I need to talk with you... In private.", and without letting them answer, Betsy gripped Zack's arm, dragging them away from the table and out of the cafeteria.

"I wonder where they're going..." Eren said reaching his fork over to steal some of Zack's abandoned home cooked lunch, stuffing it into his mouth then continuing to talk to the twins.


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