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"Trust me, they went this way" Mac assures us as we cycle across the grass. I have this pit in my stomach that something very bad is about to happen and I can't shake it. We pull up at this house that looks like it's in the middle of being built. We dump our bikes by some trees. "All right, five bucks says Wally and his buddies are hiding out in there" Mac asks confidently. Erin shuffles on her feet nervously. " we're really going to fight these guys?...that's out plan?" After a pause Mac says "no" and I can't help but feel a little relieved, as much as I want to cave his face in, I'm really not in the mood to fight a bunch of pervy boys after the night we've had. "If Tif's walkie is broken, we're murdering them" really? Murder over a walkie? "Fan-fuckin-tastic" I sigh, kicking a rock at my feet before making my way down to the house with the rest of the group. We find an open window, with just a plastic tarp covering it, one by one we climb through it and begin to wander around. I check the place out just like everyone else is doing. "Hey how's your elbow?" I turn around to see Kj. "Yeah it's okay, just a graze" Kj nods with a sweet smile. I return her gesture with a smile but I can't help but let it falter and I begin to stare into space. Kj still hasn't left my side "Hey Julia, are you okay?" I whip my head around to face her again "yeah I just told you. My elbows fine" Kj doesn't seem to have gotten the answer she wanted. "It's just...back in the tunnel, with those guys, Wally said some rather mean things and he even went to call you a fa-" "it's fine Kj" I cut her off "but if you know like..." oh no, how does she know? No! She can't know! I don't even know! "Kj" I say sternly stopping in my tracks and looking her dead in the eyes. "What your getting at...i don't appreciate it okay?  It's against gods wishes. It's not right and more importantly it's NOT TRUE!" I raise my voice more than I should have. "Jesus do you want to just scream 'hey we're up here! Come and get us'" Tiffany whisper-yells. I blink away the tears that were beginning to form and look down at the floor, grasping hold of the cross around my neck. I was confused and disgusted with myself. I finally look up after trying to compose myself, only to meet eyes with Mac. Somethings off. She's staring at me but her eyes are filled with something I can't quite read. Guilt? Sadness? Anger? Pity? Please don't tell me she heard that whole conversation with Kj.

"Hey do you guys hear that?" Kj lifts her hockey stick, obviously on edge. There's a muffled sound of two people talking in the distance. "Come on, they're in the basement" Mac beckons us towards the stairs. We all slowly make our way down, trying not to creak the stairs. There's what looks to be two people talking behind one of the plastic curtains. "Let's smoke these losers out" Mac whispers, reaching into her bag to pull out her lighter and some kind of fire cracker. As Tif pulls back the curtain, we surround them as the sparks and smoke from the fire cracker erupt around us. I sneak up to one of the hooded guys from behind and try to grab him, but just end up pulling his hood down and as if on reflex he turns around swinging his hand, slapping me right across the face. I hit the floor for the second time tonight, pain spreading through my cheek and lip. My hand flies up to my mouth and I feel the hot blood staining my lips. I look up squinting and can just about make out the guys face. Let me tell you, he was not Wally Becker. I didn't know weather to feel relieved or terrified but when I saw the scars covering his face, I decided on terrified. I felt someone's arms scoop me up from behind, helping me onto my feet, I turn around and meet eyes with Mac once again.

"Hey are you alright?" She asked, while lifting her hand to turn my chin and examine my cheek. "Yeah fuckin fantastic, who are those freaky assholes" "I don't know but that sure as shit wasn't Wally Becker" Kj answers. "Yeah he was kind of better looking" Mac shoots me a confused look but I just shrug.  "not the time Julia and we should really not be here right now" Erin says, breathing heavily. "They still have my walkie" Tiffany and her walkie AGAIN. "Who gives a shit about your walkie Tiffany!" Mac and I say in unison. There's a sudden flash from the electric box on the far wall, loads of sparks begin to fly out of it causing us all to back away and freak out even more. "Woah woah woah woah woah!" "The powers blown!" "Go go go go!" My heart is racing as we head straight for the stairs, I take two steps at a time, this house could blow at any second and I'm not taking any chances. We reach the floor we came in from and my eyes are darting all around the room. "How do we get out of here?"Tiffany yells. "Whats wrong with that guys face?" Mac says stunned. I'm so done with the chit chat, we need to get out of this place before it blows. " how about we regroup AFTER we're out of the big, dangerous house that's about to blow? Okay?" " you don't have to tell me twice" Erin agrees and soon we're all running out into the open pink sky.

What the fuck is going on?!? All I can think about is getting home alive. "Come on my house isn't far" we all follow behind Mac, my legs are burning from all the running. We reach our bikes and hop on, cycling as fast as our legs can carry us. Mac flings open the front door to her house and immediately begins to pace. "Mac where's your phone?" "Just let me think! Just let me think!" She replies panicked. "You just got jacked on your ass Lopez, sit" Mac guides me, by my shoulders towards her couch. I sit down but keep my eyes on the pink light creeping though the curtains. "Why the fuck is the sky pink?!?" I begin to panic. "What the fuck is this? The walking dead?!?" My questions go unanswered as I drop my head in my hands. Mac begins shouting for her brother and dad. "Maybe they're at work?" Erin suggests. "What? No, no the factories not open yet and my brother couldn't get hired to dig a ditch" "Are these yours?" I lift my head up to see Tiffany looking at a pile of clothes on the arm chair. "Whatever, not all of us get to live in a JCpenney catalog" Mac replies, glancing at Kj. I throw Tiffany a 'wtf' look. "Maybe everybody has already been evacuated?" Tiffany changes the subject. "That's standard procedure when there's a nuclear attack" "there would have been warning sirens and people would have been all over the streets panicking" I speak up. "So what do you think this is then huh? Aliens?" "No one knows what this is!" Kj jumps in.

"It's fuck you O'clock early in the morning right now, maybe everyone's asleep?" "But I didn't even see one car moving on the way over...did you?" "No" Mac replies, defeated. The room falls silent until Erin gets up, making her way toward the door. "I have to go" Mac jumps in front of her and I hop off the couch, afraid shits about to hit the fan. "Woah sorry kid not an option. Look at you you won't last two seconds out there" "Mac take it easy on her okay?" I say stepping in between Erin and Mac sensing the tension between them. "Make me" Mac shoots out. I just raid my eyebrows, not sure how to 'make' her. " you don't understand mom needs's her's not good and if somethings wrong out there she'll need my help!" Mac and I both stare at her not ready to let anyone leave the house. Erin seems to have had enough, as she comes forcefully towards me, pushing me to the side. "Woah hey!" I hear Mac say as Kj jumps in front of Erin. "Okay new girl, Mac's right, the best thing to do is to stay put" "Duck and cover" Tiffany corrects. I shoot her another 'wtf' look. "Then it's decided" Mac strides over to the door bolting it shut "nobody in. Nobody out. We wait here" 

I know who you are -Mac Coyle Where stories live. Discover now