Time travel and near death experiences

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When I finally come to, I can feel we're moving and I can hear people shouting directions at each other. "Come on Julia stay with us please! Just keep your eyes open for me okay?" I look up to see Kj's blurred face. "She's fading Tif, can't you drive any faster? Please just go!" Mac's voice. "My mom only let me drive once in a parking lot, okay?!" Tiffany's driving?!? I open my eyes slightly, they feel as heavy as bowling balls. "That's it Julia....just...talk to me okay?" Kj's face is so blurry, I swear there's two of her. I am so going to die. "Mac" I try to say, but it comes out as a raspy whisper, as I cringe at the pain in my lower abdomen. "Don't blame yourself" It feels like I'm speaking in slow motion and every word is as hard as running a marathon. "What's she saying?" I hear voices echo around me. I use my last bit of strength to turn my head slightly to the right. I'd do anything to get this pain to stop, I can feel myself slipping away. I lock eyes with Mac and only now notice how unique her eye colour is. It's not quite blue but not green either. They're like this beautiful shade of silver. "It wasn't your fault Mac". Everyone's heads turn in Mac's direction and the car falls silent. This sudden peace falls over me and I finally slip away. If I go to hell after this shithole of a life, I'll have beef with Jesus!

When I open my eyes, my head is laying in someone's lap and everything seems to be a little less fuzzy. Those same shiny eyes are staring down at me. "Welcome back to the land of the living Mary, I thought I killed your ass there for a second" I try focus my thoughts on what's going on. Where are we? How did we get here? What the fuck is that weird feeling on my stomach? "Am I in hell?" I ask my throat all croaky. Before Mac has time for a sarcastic reply the room erupts in chaos, once again. "Come on we have to go now!" "Where the hell did you take us?" "What is this place?". Mac scoops me up under my arms and places one hand to support my waist while the other holds my hand that's slung across my shoulder. We exit this weird metal room that just so happens to be in the middle of a forest. I'm let down to the floor by Tif and Mac. "Easy easy easy" Mac says, gently setting me down. "Did we just fly?!" Kj asks. Okay now I'm definitely confused. I hear a static robotic voice speak, the screechy sound hurting my ears, making my face scrunch up. Shit, those fuckers who stole Tifs walkie. How the fuck am I not dead? "Listen okay your friends gonna be alright" he says, out of breath. I shoot a confused look up at Mac, as she returns it with a worried one. "we have traveled...wait do you understand traveled?" Scar face guy continues. "What do you mean traveled?" Tif asks, completely lost. Same girl. The radio that's connected to this guys throat seems to be damaged. "This stupid thing" "who is this guy ET?" Mac questions. "You really picked the wrong time to fuck with us" I just sit on the soil covered ground, only picking up on half of what everyone is saying, I'm glad to not be involved in this conversation. "Please, just get back in the capsule...I'll explain more when we're safe". This guy sounded really stressed. "She's gonna fucking die" Mac shouts back to them, pointing down at me. "Wait what do you mean were not safe? Who are we not safe from?" I ask, worry lacing my voice. And then there were gunshots. All around us. Who the fuck is this now? Dark Vader? Give us a break!

My hands shoot to cover my ears and I squeeze my eyes shut, afraid to move. No more guns no more guns no more guns please please please please. "Dipshit come on!" I then am being hoisted up by Mac and Tif as we begin running for our lives AGAIN. As shots barley miss our heads, Tiffany takes off, leaving Mac to help me by herself. "Just leave me! Your gonna fuckin die trying to help me!" I breathlessly get out. "Not a chance dumbass, I'm the reason your in this mess, so come on help me out here!" I try my best to move my feet under me as Mac keeps me stable. We make it to a tree that we duck down behind. "How're you doing?" Mac asks. "Absolutely spectacular!" I answer sarcastically, with heavy eyes. I see the corner of Mac's mouth pull up into a smirk. "What the fuck is that?" Mac suddenly asks, eyes falling down to my stomach. When I look down I see hundreds of tiny beetle looking things, where the bullet wound once was. I shriek and frantically swat the bugs off me. "Holy shit they're eating my intestines!!!" Even though it doesn't feel like it is sure looks like it. Tiffany comes running over to us with ET's buddy. "Come on keep moving!" And before you know it we're back on our feet again.

I don't need as much support from Mac anymore. Somehow it doesn't feel like I've been shot at all, the pain has just disappeared. What the fuck is happening?! I hear Tiffany scream from behind me. I turn to see her on the floor with the guy she was running with. He's trying to pass her some device. "That'll get you...underground" shit he's been shot. I run back over to Tiffany. As she springs to her feet and begins to run away, I contemplate weather or not I should help this guy. I don't want to just leave him here. Something tells me he's part of the reason I'm not dead right now. Before I can reason with myself any further, Mac comes running back and grabs my hand. "Dude come on!" Mac drags me away. We run through trees and bushes, twigs cracking under my feet. By the time we finally stop running I can hardly get any air in. I look down at my hand to see Mac's fingers still interlocked with mine. My eyes go wide and I drop Mac's hand, looking away embarrassed. When I glance back at her she's just looking down, sort of....sad? Why did holding Mac's hand feel the way it did. I shouldn't feel like this. What would my parents say.... "Wait, how are you not dead?" Erin asks as we crouch behind some bushes. "Uh....I don't..." I look down at my stomach. I haven't checked the wound yet and I'm afraid to look. I slowly lift up my jacket with shaky hands, revealing no sight of a gun shot wound. Okay I think I've gone mentally insane. "Thank god I thought I'd killed you!" "You almost did!" I shout at Mac, still out of breath. "Woah woah woah, what happened to 'it's not your fault'" Mac says putting on a squeaky voice, mimicking me. "That was when I thought I was actually gonna die!" I shot back at her. "Okay okay I'm sorry okay?" Mac raises her hands in surrender, scanning her eyes around anxiously, afraid someone might hear us. After a few seconds a man in a white suit with a gun turns the corner, the gun pointed right at us.

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