Trip to the hospital

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My heart dropped. The first headline to come up when I searched my name into the laptop was 'beloved Lopez family perish in a house fire, October 2nd 1988'. I hesitantly click into the article, dread written all over my face. 'The tragic incident was the fault of Angela Lopez, wife of Richard Lopez and mother of Juliette Lopez. The crazed mother was soon institutionalised in a local facility in Stony strea-'. I slammed the laptop shut. There's no way this is real. I knew my mom was a bit crazy at times...but murdering her family...there's no way that woman was capable of doing something like that...was there? I sit there is shock until Tif comes over "hey so Older Erin and Erin Jr got into this big argument so now we're jumping ship-hey are you alright?" I make eye contact with Tif for a split second "I need to get back to 88'" is all I say as I jump up off the step and walk past Tif as she stands there confused. I can't just die after all of this. I have to fix this. Try prevent it. What could have possibly caused my mom to have such an outburst that she would do something like this. Was it it couldn't have been me-it couldn't have. I just need to make it back there or my whole family will be die....I'll die. Getting home just got a lot more serious.

Once again we're back on the streets. I really should have taken Mac up on that pop tart this morning because I'm definitely feeling the lack of food right now. "At least you have a place. Some kind of job, could have been a crack whore" Mac starts yet again one of her agitating conversations. There's multiple huffs of annoyance from the group "Mac come on" "fine. Well I'm sure Kj's the one in prison" the group falls awkwardly silent. "I don't remember the bus station being this far" Tif changes the subject. "Who know if these future people even use buses, maybe they teleport places now" everyone shoots me a wtf look. "What? Teleportation sounds weird but future robots and time travel doesn't?" We continue walking. "At this rate we'll never make it out of stony stream before dark." Kj says defeated. "We've gotta think about a place we can crash or something" no way are we taking time to rest right now, if I don't make it back I die, along with my family , it's as simple as that. "Fuck no, we need to keep moving! We need to figure this out, we don't have time to take naps like fucking infants right now okay? I need to get home!" Everyone turns to look at me after my little outburst, some of them pissed some confused. Mac walks up and tries to reach out to me. "Woah just calm down alright-". I shake her hand harshly off me. "Don't fucking touch me!" "Jesus what's up your butt? You were fine back at the house" Mac looks at me but I just look down. They already think my family is crazy enough. I can't tell them what happened, besides what can anyone do about it? I'm the only one who can fix this. "Wait, where's the device? That thing is the only clue we have to get home" seriously? This can't be happening. "How the fuck should I know?" Mac defends.

I turn on my heel and begin walking, as the group pin blame on each other for loosing the micro computer. How are we meant to get home with no key. That was the only way out. I'm trapped. I'm trapped. It's happening again. I can feel it. I can feel it all crashing in. No no no no no no no. My hand flies to my chest as I walk unsteadily away from the group. Tears begin to brim my eyes. "I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die" I keep saying under my breath. "What the fuck did you just say?" I turn to see Mac standing there. Fuck! She heard that. I can't even dwell on that for a second tho. I can't breath. I can't breathe. No this can't happen again. A mix of  the lack of food and my uneven breath cause everything to become blurred. I try focus my attention on Mac, but it looks like there's two of her. "Julia?" My eyes roll back in my head and I collapse. "Fuck!" Is all I hear as everything goes black.

As my eyes flutter open again, I see a big open windowed roof and I feel scratchy canvas material at the back of my head. I slowly sit up, my head still a bit fuzzy. As I yawn, I'm slightly startled to see Mac sat right next to me. We're a bit away from the rest of the girls. And I notice it's her jacket that's balled up under my head. I pick it up and hold it up in front of her. "Awhh you made me a pillow out of your know I'm starting to see why you were a care bare for Halloween." I say smiling, trying to tease her. "Oh fuck off" she says but I can see the side of her mouth pull slightly into a smirk. "I thought I needed to pay you back for back at Erin's, you make my bed I make yours". I nod my head in agreement "seems fair" Mac's face suddenly changes from neutral to concerned as I look up at her. The small smile that was on my face quickly falls. "What?"

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