Everythings falling apart

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Mac, Dylan and I are now sat in Dylan's high tech car in the hospital car park. I sit in the middle seat in the back of the car, as Mac called shot gun before I had i chance to think about it. The silence is painfully awkward. There's so much that needs to be explained and it's not something that involves me. I'm just hoping one of them will break soon because the silence is making me go insane. "Do you want your seat cooler on?" Well that's a start I suppose. "I'm okay" the sadness in Mac's voice makes my heart fall. I'm still mad for what she said back in the mall but I can't show that bitterness, Mac needs someone to be there for her right now. "So....how long was I sick for?" Mac finally addresses the elephant in the room. "A while...I mean you...you weren't really sick that long-" "how long was I really sick for?" All I can do is watch the conversation unfold, Mac deserves the truth. "Too long" I can see how painful it is for Dylan to be reminiscing such bad times. "And for the record, you were brave as fuck" Fuck yeah she was, this is Mac we're talking about. The car falls silent for a moment again and I can see a few tears fall from Dylan's eyes. "You wanna know how I ended up being a doctor?" Dylan says as we wiped the tears away. "It's cause I knew you wanted better for me....it's why I got my shit together" "that doesn't sound like me" Mac's got a point there. "You don't know who your about to become" as Dylan says that, he glances at me, as he says this. I'm not sure what he's trying to get at though. There is no way in hell I had any sort of affect on Mackenzie Coyle.

Instead of continuing with this deep conversation Mac does what she does best. Ignores the mushy gushy shit and focuses on music. She takes out the tape from her Walkman and starts looking for a tape deck. I furrow my eyebrows. Where is the tape deck? "What kind of cheap ass car doesn't have a tape deck?" Dylan ignores Mac's question and just starts talking to...himself? "Hey play Danzig" I look at him confused "do you want us to sing or...". Suddenly the intro of 'mother' by Danzig begins to play out of nowhere. I look around lost. Where tf was it coming from? "This is mine by the way" Dylan says holding up the tape, that quite clearly says Dylan on it. "I think I told you not to take this thing every morning for three years" "I told you I'd bring it back" Mac says with a smile creeping onto her face. Dylan begins laughing at that. That's the Mac I know and lov-the Mac I know. I smile nodding my head to the music. I was never that big of a fan of rock music but this one has grown on me. "What the fuck is happening right now?" Dylan laughs as he begins to dive away, us all listening comfortably to the music blasting around the car.

We pull up to what I presume is Dylan's house. It's big. Huge actually. It's like one of those houses you'd see on the jc Penny catalog covers. Mac and I wait in the living room as Dylan talks to his wife about why he randomly arrived back home with two random girls in tow. Yeah I wouldn't wanna have to explain that one. I look to my right to see a little square thingy with watch straps sticking out the side of it and when I pick it up, the boxy park lights up and it shows the time and todays date. What the fuck type of future watch is this? I hold it up to Mac with a questioning expression. She looks equally as confused. I hold it out in front of both of us and begin touching the boxy part. When I go to wipe the smudges off the thing it changes, it's now asking if I want to do a breathing exercise. I look up at Mac to see what she thinks. She just shrugs so I tip the okay part of the box. Suddenly the thing starts shooting these vibrations into my fingers. I yelp and drop the thing back on the table, but it makes a loud rattle from the vibrations so I quickly swipe it off and shove it under the cushions. Mac and I look and each other with worry. "What the fuck was it doing?" Mac whisper yells. "I don't know it just started shooting little darts at my fingers or something-" I say frantically as I'm cut off by Dylan and his wife coming back over. I'm not touching this future shit again.

"You two must be exhausted Kimberly, Mary. Let's get you both settled for bed" I can't help but let out a laugh at the name Dylan gave Mac. She's gonna love that one. Wait- oh god. Mary? Really? "yeah you know my friends call me Jo. It's my middle name. I like it a lot better. I never met a Kimberly that I didn't wanna beat up" Mac says with an innocent smile and a laugh. Mac suddenly throws her arm around my shoulder. "But my friend Mary here suits her name perfectly! Isn't that right Mary?" Mac looks at me with that smirk that makes me wanna punch her in the face. I just smile sarcastically at the two grownups looking questionably at us, as I shrug Mac's arm off my shoulder and shoot her an irritated look. "All right, then....Jo and Mary, let's find you some PJs". As the two grownups turn their back to walk towards the stairs I notice Mac's proud smile. She's loving this. "Oh shut up" is all I say as I follow the couple up the stairs.

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