Bloody heads and robot battles

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The three of us pull up to a country farm house that's surrounded by fields. I notice these electric impulses flashing in the sky. I squint my eyes to try to get a better look at it. Whatever it is I'm hoping it's some way to get us back home. Kj stops the motorcycle and flicks down the stand as we all hop off. "How we got here in one piece is a mystery to me" I speak my thoughts. "Hey are you okay?" I look at Kj confused, until I notice she's not speaking to me but to Mac whose standing behind me. I follow her gaze and turn around, my expression immediately softening. I know that look and I know for sure that Mac is, in fact, not okay. I place my hand on her arm and study her face, looking for some glimpse of her usual self. Nothing. She looks me in the eyes for a split second before older Erin, younger Erin, Tif and this random dude come running over. Older Erin throws her arms around the three of us. "Oh my god you idiots!" She says as we're embraced in the most unwanted hug ever.

Next thing I know, we're being dragged into this future robot machine that this random middle aged man says will take us back home. I debated weather to trust him or not for .2 seconds before realising we don't really have any other choice. The size of this machine was mind blowing. If I stacked my house up five times it would probably still be taller. The head is where all the controls were and that's where we now stood. All seven of us packed into this small capsule. I'm beginning to get déjà vu. I'm squished between Mac and Kj as older Erin begins to pilot this tall chunk of metal. I keep glancing over my shoulder at Mac. Even though she's snapped back to reality by all of the chaos, I can still see the sadness buried in her expression. As the machine begins to whirl and shake, as we move off towards the folding, I reach down and take Mac's hand, sending her a small smile when she looks in my direction, in which she returns. There's loud crashes and clatters all around us and then there's suddenly a big flash. I can feel this weird sensation flow through my body that I've never felt before. It's so weird, like a thousand tiny pin pricks all over my body that makes my skin tighten. There's a sudden breakthrough of some sort as we're all jolted forward, the force giving me whiplash. Everyone's speaking at once. "Keep it level" the guy says. I hear Erin say she's trying. "Holy shit, it's the factory" Mac says from beside me, letting go of my hand to point out the window ahead. The contraption is jolting and rattling all over the place, as Erin tried her best to steady us. It's no use, the tall machine begins to tip forward, heading for the ground. "Hold onto something!" Tif shouts but it's too late. There's nothing for me to hold on to, I'm standing right in the middle. As the robot hits the ground with a rough thud, I completely loose my footing and am thrown forward. I swear I felt my knees touch the back of my head when we crash land. There's a split second where everything goes black and when my eyes flick open again my ears won't stop ringing. My knees are up near my chest as I'm curled up into a ball on the floor. As I go to sit up , I cringe with pain. The back of my head is throbbing. I reach my hand up and hiss at the stinging sensation. I lift my hand away to see crimson blood staining my fingertips. Really? I have to have a concussion after the amount of times I've hit my head.

I hear the squeak of a hatch opening. "We're here" the man I still don't know the name of says. I raise up off the metal floor slowly, the room spinning as I do so. This is not good. It's okay, all I have to do is, go home find some first aid, fix up my head, steal some cash and then I'll be off to start a new life, away from my crazy family and hope that my psycho mother doesn't come after me to kill me. Easy right? "Are you okay?" Mac asks as I blink to clear the haziness from my eyes. I nod slowly, but she doesn't look convinced as we're ushered out the hatch. "Thought time travel would take a lot longer, that was like what a minute? Less?" Older Erin questions.  "It felt like a lifetime the last time" I say with a tired voice, as I step into the cold night air. "Yeah well you were counting sheep the last time remember?" Tif fires back. Fair point. I drowsily hobble over towards the water and stare out at it, I can't deny that I'm not feeling so hot right now. I take a seat down on the dusty ground, picking up a handful of gravel and throwing it back down, I decide not to mention my fucked up head, we're all going our separate ways soon anyway and I'm sure everyone just wants to get back home, everyone but me.

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