Stolen goods

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We were all huddled together in the small cabin. Erin had finally calmed down. I'm not sure if she has accepted her imminent death or she is just too exhausted to care anymore. I feel horrible for the poor girl. She's so innocent, so kindhearted. Watching your future self get cremated right in front of your eyes has got be traumatic. As Kj stokes her hair trying to comfort her, the rest of us sit silently trying to conjure up a plan on what the fuck to do now. To be quite honest, it's looking pretty hopeless. The only two grownups who could have helped up are dead, there are a bunch of futuristic bastards outside who would love to zap us first chance they got and we're stuck in this stuffy cabin when our old lives are just out of reach. I shuffle in my seat across from Kj, Erin and Mac on the ground, my back beginning to hurt from it being pressed against the wall. I rest my chin on my knees, I can feel the hardened blood crusted on my hair every time i move my face features, at least that means it's stopped bleeding, but the gash has left me feeling extremely nauseous and woozy.

I'm snapped out of my daze when Tif speaks up. "We need that backpack" I'm presuming she's talking about the one with Larry's coordinates in it, that's currently surrounded by soldiers and bug scanner thingys. "We can't let it fall into enemy hands. It's important." There's no way she's going out there. "It's more important than getting you killed?" Mac asks "Tif it's a suicide mission" I say from my seat on the floor. "Just let it go" Kj agrees with us. "We've come too far to let this all happen again. We need it" before we can stop her Tif is already up and out the door, as we all whisper-shout protests at her. Yet again we all crowd around the cabin window, anxiously watching as Tif creeps stealthily towards the bag. I don't wanna watch another person get killed today. God please protect her, if your even up there at all don't let anything harm her. "Someone should go out there and help her" I suggest. "Don't even think about it" Mac quickly says. Okay well I guess not. "Come on Tiff" Kj says anxiously. We continue to watch helplessly as Tiff waits for the right opportunity to grab the bag. A man with grey bushy hair is standing only a few feet away from the bag, preventing Tif from making a move. "Who the hell is that guy? We don't know him, right?" Kj questions. I was thinking the same thing, whoever he is, I'm not sure I want to know him. Another woman appears beside the unknown man, I definitely recognise her from somewhere. "She's the one that killed Naldo" Erin says. Yep that's her. She's the same woman that chased us out of the diner. Bitch. The two seem to be having a very serious conversation, although I can't quite hear what they're saying through the glass. When they're finished the woman does a signal that looks to be one that says to wrap things up. This is Tiffany's chance. It's either she goes now or leaves the bag there. She darts from her place behind a piece of what once was the robot and quietly makes her way over to the bag. After snatching it, she cautiously makes her way back to the cabin. When she finally flings the door open, I fling my arms around her in a hug, internally thanking the lord that she got back okay. "Your a fucking idiot" I say as I pull away from her. "Ablution is happening" is all she responds, still out of breath. "Blue what?" I ask. "What the hell are you talking about?" Mac chimes in. "Larry told me about it. It's when the Old Watch beams you up to some place and they wipe your mind. And then they put you back like nothing happened. They is it to make people forget everything" oh god "everything?" I ask quietly, almost to myself. "Why would they do that?" Kj asks. "To keep the time war secret." But if we forget everything that happened from after we traveled till now that means... "so that means we're going to forget all of this?" Erin asks sadly. "Yeah, I mean I think so". "No we can't let that happen" I say, starting to panic. There's a sudden flash of lightening from outside. We all crowd around the window. The sky is turning that light shade of pink again. "Shit. It's coming!" We all duck down under the window, as the room fills with a pink hue. If my mind gets wiped, that means I won't remember what happens. None of it. Not my house burning down. Not my death. That means I won't be able to prevent it. So that means I'm gonna die. Great. Even worse than that tho. I'm not gonna remember the relationships I've built throughout this whole ordeal. Not Tiff. Not Erin. Not Kj. Not.... "Mac" I whisper, turning my head to the side to be met with Mac's wide eyes. My eyes brim with tears, that fall before I can even stop them. Something seems to have clicked in Mac's brain as she looks at me. "You have to try to remember" she whispers to me. "You're not gonna fucking die because you can't remember what a psycho bitch your mom is" Mac whispers so only I can hear. The filth in her tone when she talks about my mom, who I may add she hasn't even met, makes me wanna laugh. Without saying another word, I shuffle towards her, and wrap my arm so it's locked around hers and interlock our fingers, holding as tightly as I possibly could. If these dickwads want to take us up to their sky layer and zap our minds there gonna have to rip us away from each other. I squeeze my eyes shut as more tears fall down my cheeks. Little do I know, Mac doesn't shut her eyes but keeps them wide open, studying every corner of my face in the hopes that she'll remember it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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