Pre-Destined: Chapter 18

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The week went by quickly leading up to Friday the day they leave to Dubai. Still suspicious about what occurred earlier in the week, Aziyah couldn't seem to push it to the back of her head like she thought.

Although nothing else strange happened she noticed that her boyfriend was more protective over her and always wanted to leave the house with her when she had to go out.

Now at the airport the couple were semi-rushing to board the plane due to their last minute packing at 2:00 am. Their flight was at 4:00 am which was early but they decided it be that way since it would take 16 hours to get there.

"Baby we can't stop to use the bathroom or we gone miss out flight. Just use the restroom on the plane mama" Travon said while holding the carry on bags.

"I can't hold it though" she pouted knowing he couldn't say no to that face.

"Aight but hurry yo little ass up or imma leave you" he said laughing while she scurried off to the restroom.

Once Aziyah finished using the bathroom and washed her hands she quickly ran out spotting him sitting down near their boarding gate.

She soon sat down next to him, noticing that they were both exhausted from the lack of sleep. When they were about to doze off, it was time to board the plane.

Boarding the plane the two had first class seats so the ride wasn't going to be that bad. As soon as they sat down they talked for a while about what they would do but they both were knocked out an hour into the plane ride.

Awoken by the flight attendant they got up and looked at the scenery seeing how beautiful it was there. Once they grabbed all their luggage they got a taxi to the hotel they were staying at.

Dubai • 8:00p.m.

Once they arrived at the hotel, they checked in and made their way up to their room

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Once they arrived at the hotel, they checked in and made their way up to their room. When they stepped into the room what they saw looked better in person then it did photos.

"Baby you did a good job picking this mfka out" Travon said placing a kiss on her shoulder.

"I know right!! It looks so nice" she responded as she walked around.

They soon put their luggage down and began to disinfect the room before they laid down. After that they got in the shower together now that they were up from the long flight.

"Baby you look so good right now" Aziyah said as she rubbed her soft hand over his chiseled abs up and down stopping right above pelvis.

"I could say the same about you" he replied as he looked down on her body that was lathered in soap.

As they washed each other, their intimate moment became intense. Once they rinsed off and got dressed they headed over to the table we're the champagne was at.

"To traveling the world with man" Aziyah said as she stuck her tongue out while giving the toast.

"Yea baby to us" Travon replied while rubbing her lower back side.

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