Pre-Destined: Chapter 11

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*Flashback to summer of 2010*
"What's wrong Ziyah" Luke said to his 12 year old daughter whom he had caught crying recklessly in the living room.

"Daddy, they said I can't hang out with them because I'm too big and black" little Aziyah cried out into her father's chest.

"Who said that" her father replied sternly.

"The kids outside" she replied wiping her tear stricken face.

"Baby, listen here" he sighed out. "Don't listen to what those ignorant kids have to say. You're beautiful the way you are."

"You see your skin it's beautiful, your body is perfect the way it is, you are perfect the way you are. My beautiful, beautiful daughter." he reassured her while holding her face in his hands.

"Don't let what jealous and insecure people take away from your shine babygirl" he added on.

"Okay daddy" she now chuckled, hugging him tight.

Knowing how mean kids could be at this age, Luke made sure that both of his daughters knew that they were beautiful in the skin that they were in.

That other's insecurities shouldn't affect the way that they viewed themselves in the life that they would endure.

"Daddy, Im gonna go back outside and play hopscotch" Aziyah told her father while giving him one more long-lasting hug.

"Alright, be safe babygirl" he told her as he got back to filing out case reports and such.

Heading out of the front door Aziyah walked down the steps onto the sidewalk and began to draw out the hopscotch with some chalk she had found.

As she was about to get up to play, some older kids from around the block pushed her back down, resulting in her scraping her knee.

"Why'd you do that" she said to the older kids as tears ran down her face.

"Because, you're just fat and ugly" Niko one of the older kids replied as the other kids laugh.

"You're just going to get blacker and uglier if you stay outside" Tanya said while circling Aziyah.

"Just leave me alone" Aziyah replied lowly, beginning to get up and leave.

"What're you gonna do now fatty? Go back inside and eat huh" Niko said.

As the kids continued to harass Aziyah, Travon who was 14 at the time saw the encounter and decided to stop the bullying that was happening.

Walking over he saw Aziyah who looked at him directly, thinking he was going to join in on making fun of her.

"Stop messing with her Niko" Travon said bluntly while pushing the kids off of her.

"So you taking up for this black thing" Niko scoffed looking down on Aziyah.

"Nigga she not none of that shit that y'all talking, now go" he said irritated while helping her back up.

While Travon was handling the kids that were bullying Aziyah, she began to stand behind him feeling protected by someone other than her parents.

"Nigga just go, youn got nun else to do or yo momma sent you out the house so she could get fucked" Travon said making Niko angry.

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