Pre-Destined: Chapter 30

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It had been a week since Aziyah and Travon's disagreement and to say she was upset would be an understatement

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It had been a week since Aziyah and Travon's disagreement and to say she was upset would be an understatement.

Aziyah had felt as if he wasn't being understanding and had become distant from her.

Why? She didn't know... and to bring it up to him would be hard for her to do since the conversation was always kept short.

"I don't know Mila but we're just not connecting right now" Aziyah said while making her way to Milo's apartment.

"I don't think it's that but maybe you just haven't been able to gain the courage to tell him the reason why"

" Yea I understand but I'm not ready to tell him yet... I don't want to admit to myself that becoming pregnant is very low for me" Aziyah added on while wiping a tear.

"Girl imma be real with you... that man loves you to death and I don't think that will phase him"

"And to be honest if I can have a baby, I know damn well you can. I also think you underestimate yourself and the chances. They said you had low fertility rates, not that you cannot get pregnant at all" Mila continued.

"Well I guess I have to go and talk to him sooner or later about it but I'm pulling in so be down in less than five minutes"

"Ok bet"

All Aziyah could think about was the bad, she knew that there was a possibility but to think of the struggle that could come with even becoming pregnant was the hard reality she faced.

Soon after a couple minutes of gazing out her window, Milo and Mila came out of the building and got into the car.

"Heyyyy sisss" Milo greeted giving her a hug,

"Heyy Milo" Aziyah replied excited to see her friend.

"I just talked to you but how's my baby doing in there?" Aziyah questioned rubbing over Mila's stomach.

"They ain't did nun yet but make a bitch hungry" Mila joked while everyone laughed.

"Well don't overwork the baby now and just take yo time sis" Milo added on.

"Alright mother" Mila retorted smiling.

The group seemed to get back into the swing of things after all the commotion that was going on.

They missed each other and missed all the activities that they did together.

But now they were on their way to Mila's doctors appointment to see how the baby was doing since Makai had to handle some things with the guys.

As they made their way to the hospital they discussed small details about how different things would be for Mila once she had her baby.

"So are you still going to take the NCLEX exam or are you going to wait til little chunk is old enough" Aziyah asked pulling up at the red light.

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