Chuang Tzu dreamed that it was a butterfly. To the awakening he was ignoring if it was Tzu who had dreamed that was a butterfly or if it was a butterfly and was dreaming that was Tzu.
The way of reasoning and of talking between human beings is different.
my son uses the paradoxical thought, it supposes that it admits and accepts the contradiction.
I use the complex thought, try to reason from the logic and the coherence.
there is smoke, the fact is that there is smoke at home to 100 %
and there is no smoke, the fact is that it is to 0 %
but my son says to 40 % that there is already no smoke.
It is difficult to him to admit its errors, and he needs to mature.
how to talk with anybody who is contradicted?
How to reason with my son if what is black, blackish, he says to me that it sees it white?
Perhaps finally, what is black also has something of target, and what is white has something of black.
xD, that this way is.
Dao De Jing
Spiritual[Dao] means a road, path, way; and hence, the way in which one does something; method, doctrine, principle.