go free !!

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I close the eyes and relax all my body, attempt to my respiration beginning descending account from 10 to one. I center the attention without judging, only I observe:

 .... I can observe my mind in target, observe how I guide my thoughts or to leave that it is my mind that I guided my thoughts. that she decides that thought to bring to the focus of my mind. Yes that she decides. and suddenly, none appears. ea!!!!after relaxing my body completely, I have managed to relax my mind completely.

 ...... only I have to give the order of which it is my mind, she decides that thought will appear in the focus of my attention, and so, she does not bring any, because it is me who is the one that brings the thoughts repeatedly.


puedo observar mi mente en blanco, observar como yo guio mis pensamientos o dejar que sea mi mente la que guie mis pensamientos. que ella decida que pensamiento traer al foco de mi mente. Sí que ella decida. y de repente, no aparece ninguno. ea!!!!

y eso es  el no juzgar. 

and this is non-judging, only to observe nothing more.


.. . happiness without motivemental clarity

 ... serenity

blessed is the dao

 praised is the eternal dao

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