Only if someone thinks me I exist. That fatal.
I am neither my body nor my thoughts.
I want to do the things well.
I want to be happy
I want a couple
I want a car, a house
I want health.
The tao must be dull, stunned of so many request.
Thanks for the respiration
thanks for my energy, for my family, my friendship. Thanks for being what I am.
Thanks for I to be allowed to be wrong, thanks for allowing me to ponder, thanks for the attention, the contemplation.
A sweet in front of my nose, I always see it, drool but I cannot cojerlo.
always with the nose in the future, and the bottom falling down in the past.
tomorrow you will be happy, tomorrow you will have, tomorrow I will love you, it even is not the moment, and I want everything, everything now, with a fingers crack.
Dao De Jing
Spiritual[Dao] means a road, path, way; and hence, the way in which one does something; method, doctrine, principle.