Part 9 I The end is just the begining

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"You're an assassin." He said bluntly. It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

My stomach dropped all the way down to my shoes. How did he know? Did someone tell him? My mouth was halfway open and at this point all I could hear was the thumping of my endangered heart and his voice speaking words I couldn't understand.

There's no point in denying it, he'll be dead before midnight.

Might as well just come clean.

"Fine. So what if I am?" I said, hostility was more apparent than the fear in my voice.

"Neo! You're an assassin! Have you been one for so long you've lost your concept of what that means?" I was glad we were just talking on the phone, his voice sounded more angry than your stomach after eating Taco Bell.

"Congratulations! You found out my secret! I bet everything makes perfect sense now doesn't it?" I snapped.

"I- well you know I'm still a cop right?" He struggled to get the right words out clearly taken aback with my unpredictable response.

"Of course I do. But I don't really care by now, I know I've messed up your life. Even if you keep your job and end up killing all of us, you'll never be the same." By now I was mad, how could he have found out? Wesley would never betray me, and I haven't told anyone else except Spice, and he can't talk.

"Neo, I'll give you one last chance. Meet me at the club tonight, 10 pm, don't be late, and come alone and unarmed." He gave me strict instructions I knew I was supposed to follow precisely.

"Fine. But you're buying." I said and hung up.



Even though it was only 10 the club was already packed. I swiftly maneuvered myself through the crowd and went up to the bar.

"Wesley, has Neo come tonight?" I said with a cool tone in my voice. Neo and Wesley are close so I figured Wesley was Neo's go-to after I confronted her about being an assassin on the phone.

"Yes, she's over there." Wesley said, pointing to the fountain drinks. Figures, she wouldn't want to get drunk tonight. Oh well, drunk, not drunk, I couldn't care less, she's the guilty party here. I walked up to her and opened my mouth planning on saying her name and startling her.

"Jackson, I'm so glad you could make it." She said, not once looking up from getting herself a Sprite.

I glared at her, her gray eyes focused in concentration. I watched her as she looked up and sipped her drink. She pushed a strand of her dark silky hair behind her ear, it still looked wavy from our date a week ago.

"Neo, why didn't you tell me you were an assassin?" I calmly asked her.

She scoffed

"Have you lost your concept of that now?" She asked in disbelief.

"I'm going to give you two choices." I said bluntly, trying not to show how much she drew me in. She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow making blood rush to my cheeks. I hated this. I didn't want to do this. I loved her, the way she crossed her arms made her look so desirable I almost forgot what I was saying.

"You can either admit to me and my force that you're an assassin and I'll try to shorten your sentence and get you into one of the better off buildings." I wanted to add "and we can continue going on dates and maybe kiss and start dating and forget any of this happened, and I'll clear your file and we can both have a happy ending." But I resisted and continued.

"Or you can continue being an assassin and me and my force will capture you and you will face full charges. I'm going to give you until tomorrow at noon to decide. So far my force doesn't know about you, it's your decision how you want this to go down." I couldn't blame her for looking shell-shocked, even though I hated the choices I was giving her, I was doing what needed to be done.

"Alright. But like I said on the call, you're buying." She said ordering a large fountain drink.

I released the breath I had been holding, I thought things would've gone down worse.

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