Part 10 I Deadly love

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   I knew I was drunk. I had had too many drinks. Neo on the other hand was completely sober. We were sitting at a table near the dance floor.

"Jaydite, did I ever tell you how much I love that name?" I said, leaned in and twirled her hair around my finger.

"Yes, quite often. Especially tonight." She replied calmly.

"May I call you that? Jaydite?" I tried to act serious.

She looked away, looking nervous.

"I guess.." she finally whispered. When she looked at me, she looked sorry. She finally sighed and tried to cover up the stray tears that had leaked out of the corners of her eyes.

"One last dance?" She said looking sad.

"Of course, my lady." I slurred on my words, I wanted to remember this in the morning. God, I wish I was sober so I could sedate her, maybe turn her on so much she would stay with me. But now I was a drunk mess. Before we danced I watched her down at least 5 shots of whiskey.

On the dance floor, she was wonderful. She was doing more sedating to me than I had ever done in my lifetime. I wasn't paying attention, when I looked in her eyes for one last time, her hands were on my neck.

"I love you so much Jackson, and I always will." She whispered.

Tears streamed down her face by now but my drunk self couldn't put a drunk finger on it to save my life. Literally.

I heard one last crack staring into those sad gray eyes as she snapped my neck.



The aftermath might've been worse than the actual act. I felt so many emotions, I couldn't sort them out. I walked into my apartment and stood in the doorway with my keys still in the door, I looked around my apartment. Spice lay down on my couch with blankets and pillows sprawled out everywhere. I walked in, the shots catching up to me. I went into my room and fell on my bed falling asleep in my makeup and clothes. My sleep was terrible, I kept on waking up and falling back asleep. I was hot the entire night. I had to get some ice and put it in my bed with me at 3 am. I finally got a few hours of uninterrupted sleep, when I woke up my alarm clock said it was 8 am. I got up feeling dizzy and nauseous, I drank a glass of water and took a shower. By 10 am I felt better, I had watched my comfort tv show for around an hour. The last episode finished and I decided to fill Andy in. 

When I got to the office it was unusually quiet. I gave a couple slaking agents a scowl, and I took the elevator up to Andy's office.

"What are you all doing? This office is occupied." I started and crossed my arms.

A bunch of workers were moving all the furniture out of Andy's office. Or should I say Andy's old office.

"Big boss died last night, we just got ordered to take all the stuff out. Not to converse with his heartbroken lover he left behind." One of the workers rudely told me.

"I am not Andy's lover. He was my boss! How gross would that be?" I gave the worker a scowl.

"Besides Andy's been running this place forever, he was like 50. What do you mean he died last night?" I asked, only a hint of concern in my voice.

"There was a big shootout near his apartment, he joined in. Got shot in the head. I would've stayed out of it if I was him." Another worker told me.

"What? But it wasn't on the news!" I said my anxiety levels rose.

"Listen lady, Andy left this place to you. You're the big boss now. Besides, the cops are looking into everyone who was involved in the shooting, unless you move this place or find some way to bargain with the cops.." he trailed off "you're all screwed." 

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