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Welcome. If you're new here well hello, if you're not then welcome back my lovely sweet honey buns.

This book isn't meant to be professional or anything like that, it's literally just for fun. I put all my thoughts and made-up scenarios into Wattpad for myself and hopefully, others can enjoy it too.

This story uses other languages. Mainly just Spanish, a bit of Italian and a very MINOR part of French. I do speak Spanish!!! But I'm not great with spelling it so sometimes I use google translate and other translators if I'm stuck on something, I also will be using it for the Italian parts. So therefore I apologize if they're inaccurate. Please feel free to correct me in the comments!

A few real brands or people may be mentioned in this story, but please remember that some people, places/locations, and brands mentioned may be made up. Along with where this story resides. New York is real but Lock Wood is not!

You should also know that the two main characters do have an age gap. It's not a huge age gap tho, it's only 2 years, but to some people 2 years can seem like a lot.

If you're expecting for some action well... it's a slow burner. Yes I gotta make you guys suffer. Now if you're like 10 or twelve, please go read Green eggs and ham or some shit- I don't have time to hear ur parents coming to me like

"JaDa yOu'Re mEsSinG wItH tHe KiDs mInDs"

I'm not forcing anyone to read it. Now if you're going to complain and get annoyed go read a different book pls. Yes I get it, I posted it online. I'm gonna get hate but like ma'am/sir... I HAVE A HEART TOO OKAY!

If you do read this. Thank you and enjoy the ride. 😏


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•sexual content
•strong language
•Age gap (only 2 years relax)
•underage drinking
• Mentions of suicide

Do not steal my book! Be creative por favor!
(Translation: Please)

Everyone in the story IS 18+ when this story starts. There will NEVER be underage sex going on, I swear on my giraffe. Underage drinking and drug use tho... Yeah...oopsie doopsie. But who can blame a gal?

Anyways that it because I have nothing else to say BAHAHA

- Sincerely Jada Waydaaa

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