25 • P O W E R • O U T A G E

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"You do realize I know he's gay right? So whatever you were trying to do with his to try and get me jealous wasn't working for the most part"

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"You do realize I know he's gay right? So whatever you were trying to do with his to try and get me jealous wasn't working for the most part"

"Wait how do you know he was gay- no wait how did you know I was- no wait forget that. You know what Im just going to stop talking" she stops talking and turns around to face away from me, I silently chuckle at her blabbering. I haven't heard her get too nervous talking about something in ages. So just hearing her blabber a bunch of random nonsense made me smile.

I was falling hard, I couldn't let myself do that. I can't ruin the relationship I have with her brother. She knows that, right? I know that. I do... right?

But is she worth risking all of it just, throwing everything away that I have with Mateo so I can get to know her better? So this game we have going on ends? Or should I just play along and play the hating game?

"Well for starters at the pool he was wearing Flamingo shorts, pink. Straight men don't wear pink 70% of the time" I chuckle at my response, I mean hey pink isn't a bad color but most guys don't wear that I mean come on, "And how I knew that you were trying to make me jealous was because every time he did something you would look over at me. I mean hey id admit it worked the first-day" shit why did I say that I wasn't supposed to say that part. Fuck

"I don't like you" she states

"Yeah, uhuh," I say not believing a damn word shes saying, "well, I don't either, guess we're even" I smile and walk out of the room and start heading to the gym

Lacrosse is in three months, and Mateo and I go back to college in three months. I have to keep my body in shape, no slacking, and I've definitely been slacking. Mateo and I haven't been practicing, I mean we brought our lacrosse equipment but there has never been the time I guess.

Let's just say my mind has sort of... been occupied.

If I can't practice lacrosse then I do a workout. It's better than doing nothing because I know for the life of me I cannot be healthy. Impossible, I love my fucking burgers, empanadas, and god my lasagna. Makes me want to fuck it right then and there. Wait why the fuck mad I thinking about fucking food?

Shit, I haven't fucked anyone in two weeks, that's before I was at Mateo's house for a week and in Florida for the other god damn week. Shit, time went fucking fast. In those two weeks, I've developed way too many fucking feelings for Chanel. That has to go, I can't fall for her, I promised, I made a deal. I intend to keep that deal.

Anyways, lacrosse is a contact sport, it's not as physical as football. Lacrosse is centered around speed and skill, whereas football is centered around strength and brute physicality. Not saying that I don't have that because I can easily try out for football and possibly get the quarterback. I mean shit, I have the brains and the skill and the damn strength. Nonetheless, lacrosse players do need to have an element of physicality to perform well during games. But it isn't as aggressive, now why the fuck am I comparing these two games? My mind is scrambling. What the fuck.

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