40 • R I G H T • P E R S O N • W R O N G • T I M E

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I exit the bakery and walk to the car with a frown on my face

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I exit the bakery and walk to the car with a frown on my face. The whole world is gonna see a fine ass man looking depressed and shit.

What the fuck.

I walk up to the car unlock it and open the door as I get in shutting it. I press the start button and the engine revs as I put my foot on the brake as I switch the gear to drive and exit the parking lot.

After everything I've been through, I've tried so hard for the longest to ignore Chanel, to pretend I never felt the way I did. I used girls to pleasure myself in hopes of getting her off of my mind. This girl has been on my mind since four years ago.

Flashback, to 2 years ago

"Dude there's no way you're failing English" Mateo says with his arm around my shoulder laughing

"Man, that shit is hard what do you mean" I roll my eyes as I take his arm off my shoulder and pull into his driveway.

I put the car in park and grab the Keys from the middle console as we both open the door and jump out of the car. I think I was his inspiration to get his Jeep renegade since I had the Wrangler.

We go to the back seat and open the door grabbing our bags from the floor and throwing it over our shoulders then shutting the door once again.

We enter his house and from the corner of my eye, I see Chanel in the kitchen. She was smiling from ear to ear in her bright pink braces as her clear glasses kept drooping to her nose as she would raise her finger to the rim pulling them back up.

This girl was beautiful no matter what, she may have dressed horribly but she was still the perfect girl in my eyes.

We walk over to the kitchen and I drop my bag on the chair and smack the back of her head as I walk over to the fridge.

"Stop it, Dean! I'm on the phone with Steve!" She groans and punches me back

I laugh and begin to mock her, "stop it, Dean! I'm on the phone with Steve" I say raising my voice and making it sound high

"I don't even sound like that jerk!"

"Dude leave her alone" Mateo laughs and I shrug

"Bye Chan Chan," I say walking away and following Mateo into his room

"I told you to stop calling me that!" She groans and I laugh

Chanel was two grades below me, she loved reading and writing from what I can tell. I try my best not to pay attention but it's hard not to when your best friend's sister is hot as fuck.

She started dating Steve a year ago in the middle of her freshman year. I don't get what she sees in him, he's the biggest wannabe Dean in the school. Man acts, talks, and dresses like me. This year he was trying to get the first line in hockey but there was no use. I was way too good for him to even try and beat me.

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