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"Wake up bitch"

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"Wake up bitch"

I groan and turn around keeping my eyes shut, going straight back to sleep.

"Chanel Sloan Parker! Wake your dumb ass up!" May yells smacking my head repeatedly with a pillow.

"5 more minutes mom" I mumble falling straight back asleep

"Fine you asked for it" May mumbles as there's a sudden shift on the bed.

I can't believe I got in the shower with Dean. I mean what was I thinking? Suddenly the thought of it makes me press my legs together. I turn around in my sleep still thinking and dreaming about Dean Walton. I never realized how good looking he really was until I got into the shower with him.

"Oh dean" I mumble


"Mhm" I groan

May walks in and looks at Dean

"What I miss?" She questions asking Dean

"I think she's having a sex dream" he says smirking

She freezes looking at him then a few seconds later I feel the bed shift again and this time water is on my face. Wait? What?Water?

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I get up from the bed and stare at May and then at Dean who's leaning against the door frame smirking.

I glare at him and then look back at May looking at my clothes slightly annoyed.

"Why the hell did you poor water on me?"

"Sex dream?"


"You had a sex dream"

I look over at Dean and glare "You think I had a sex dream about Dean?" I chuckle

"You said my name" he says

"In your dreams Walton."

"Parker. I'm already in your dreams" he chuckles and walks away and I simply just stare at him flipping him off as he walks away.

"Wanna tell me the truth now?" May adjusts herself on my bed looking at me

"I don't know what you're talking about" I walk over closing my door and grab a new pair of clothes this time just sliding an oversized Tee that goes down to my knees and sit on my window looking out at the sun the was staring straight down into my room.

The Act Of DefianceWhere stories live. Discover now