38 • O V E R S T I M U L A T E D

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"I'm sorry what?" Dad says with his mouth now wide open pinching the bridge of his nose

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"I'm sorry what?" Dad says with his mouth now wide open pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Did you at least use protection?" Mom questions

"Of course I did, I'm in no way ready for a child and I highly doubt Chan is too" Dean answers before I can and I look over at him with no emotion on my face.

Just because he answers respectfully with patience in his voice towards my mom knowing they're probably pissed at him makes me want to hug him and kiss them in front of them. But then there's this side where it's like no he made a deal with Mateo and that's where it pisses me off again.

"Well at least you used protection" Mom smiles and pats Dean's shoulder

"SERIOUSLY MOM?" Mateo shouts


"Mateo please can we just talk, I'll explain," Dean says walking up to him

"One more fucking step towards me Dean and I swear to fucking God I will punch the shit out of you" Mateo spits


"Mateo at this point you shouldn't be talking" I interrupt then look over at Dean, "and don't act all innocent either, you made a fucking deal with my brother saying you wouldn't get with me" I glare and turn back to Mateo, "you don't control me, Mateo!"

"It's hard seeing your sister get hurt! Of course, I made a deal with him, and he agreed to it he should've respected that!" Mateo says raising his voice.

"No, no te atrevas a empezar con esa mierda," I say raising my voice
(Translation: no, don't you dare start with that bullshit)

"Bueno, tal vez si no estuvieras jodiendo con mi mejor amigo, todo esto podría haberse evitado." Mateo snaps back causing me to scoff
(Translation: well maybe if you weren't screwing around with my best friend all of this could've been avoided)

"Tengo sexo con quien quiera!" I shout
(Translation!: I have sex with whoever I want)

"Piccolina per favore lasciami spiegare," Dean says grabbing my shoulder and I shrug and push his hand off.
(Translation: Little one, please let me explain) (Italian)

"Maybe if you spoke the fucking English I would understand" I scoff, rolling my eyes at Dean

"Please let me explain"

"No, fuck off the two of you!" I shout looking at Mateo and Dean

"Get your shit and leave," Mateo says looking at Dean and pointing to the door.

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