35 • W A T E R • P A R K

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My eyes slowly start to open and I look over at Dean who was still sleeping

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My eyes slowly start to open and I look over at Dean who was still sleeping. I kiss his cheek and smile. His body begins to shift and his eyes slowly start to open and I quickly shut my eyes pretending to still be asleep.

"Don't like now Parker, I know your up" he whispers with a slight chuckle

I open my eyes and look at him and smile then notice the hickey near his collarbone and I gasp, I did that... Oh shit

"Last night was amazing," he says and I smile

"I agree but I think I uhm... Left a mark on you"

His eyes widen and he quickly lifts his body off causing me to sit up as well and watch him panic.

"I can't have this, as much as I would, your brother would know something is up, he can't know Chan. Not yet"

"It's okay!" I reassure him and I crawl over to my suitcase grabbing my makeup bag, "I can cover it" I smile and a sigh of relief escapes his lips.

"I'm sorry for freaking out I just don't want to ruin your day or your family's day, we can't get caught yet"

"It's okay" I smile and he grabs me setting me onto his lap and kisses me leaning his forehead onto mine and closing his eyes.

I pull out the foundation and concealer and begin covering up the mark I left on him.

My phone later then rings and ignores it trying to hurry and finish covering the hickey that was on Dean's neck from last night. After covering it up I grab the makeup products put them in the bag and throw it back into my suitcase until my phone lets out another ring.

I reach over grabbing my phone meanwhile Dean goes to the other side of the tent and changes. I open my phone revealing messages from May, Miles, and Maddie

I open up the group chat that May made for me and Miles and read the messages.

May: How's the camping trip so far?

Miles: We need to know everything asap!

May: I forgot she has shitty wifi so messages aren't probably sending.
May: we love you! Get back to us asap!

I laugh at the messages and start replying to the before they continue to blow up my phone.

Me: just got the messages but the trip has been CRAZY
Me: Steve showed up and let's say Dean and him did not get along...

Miles: oh shit! Who won?

Me: First fight Dean then the second time he didn't fight at all because he and I quote said "I didn't want you to be upset with me

May: You guys are so meant to be I SWEAR!

Miles: 🤣🤣

Me: I don't know... but... let's just say this girl is no longer with a vCard...

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