5 • S H O W E R

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"How was dinner?" May walks in my room leaving the door wide open but I don't mind

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"How was dinner?" May walks in my room leaving the door wide open but I don't mind.


"Horrible, Dean was torturing you with his eyes"

"Exactly" I smile up at her

She throws herself on my bed and looks around my room. The wall was khaki with led strips across the ceiling and my bed was in the corner up against the wall. Covered in plaid sheets with a sage green throw blanket. Paired with plaid pillow covers and my amazing favorite frog right in the center.

She then smiles up at me and practically flies out of my bed and turns off the lights turning on my led lights and turning them blue. She has an obsession with blue and pink.

"Dude I haven't been in your room in forever" she says throwing herself back onto the bed making me lift up a bit causing a gasp to fly out of my mouth.

I nod in agreement

"So are you gonna tell me what happened between you and Steve?"

"Is it that noticeable?" I questioned throwing my head back against the pillow.

"I'm your best friend Chanel, of course it's noticeable. You can see it in your eyes, your hurt but it still sparks of love" she looks at me turning her whole body to face me. "What happened?"

I look up at the ceiling holding back the tears that are slowly filling my eyes. Trying to dodge the question as much as I can, but that's the thing with May she doesn't give up until she has answers. I'm like an open book to her, she reads me so easily, she knows how I feel every time.

"After class had ended yesterday..." my voice cracks and tears roll down my eyes. "May he broke up with me. Through text. He said he didn't want to ruin his reputation by being with someone who isn't going to college. It'd be too embarrassing, he'd be dating a failure"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared. Ashamed."

"Does that mean no smoking weed?" May looks at me again with a grin

I laugh and look at her nodding my head 'no'. That's the thing with May, she's good at everything she does but the one thing she's not very good at is dealing with other peoples feelings. So instead of trying to comfort me about it or make the situation sadder she makes jokes. She doesn't press on the subject she lets it go and waits until I'm ready to talk. Now she is my other half. If I was lesbian I'd sure rail her.

It'd be the best sex in my life. We'd probably even do it better than these porn stars to be honest.

"Chanel?" May questions

"Hm?" I say snapping out of my thoughts

"Where'd you go?"

"Thought about fucking you if we were lesbians" I laugh and so does she

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