4 • G R A D U A T I O N

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I felt like a lamb

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I felt like a lamb. Walking in the line of my classmates through the otherwise empty halls of our high school for the last couple of hours in rehearsals, everyone wearing the same robe and cap. Being guided by my old math teacher who was acting as a shepherd to the group. Usually shouting out commands to us occasionally as we made our way to the gymnasium. Yelling things like, 'hurry up' or 'stop doing that' to the group of teens.

This is taking way too damn long.

The fact that they made us rehearse sitting in chairs and then walking across a stage was just about the dumbest thing I had ever heard. It's not like it was a difficult task by any means, and by the end, I felt nothing but annoyance towards the whole event.

Even when it was time for the real ceremony, not a single part of me felt sentimental. My head carelessly bobbed with each of my trudges. My yeezys, squeaked over the shiny clean floors.

I could see part of Steve's head walking just a few bodies in front of me since they were organized alphabetically. If I craned my neck enough, I could find May standing with the other W's and if I looked back, I could see Liam with the T's. What an asshole Liam and Steve were. No wonder Steve was beating the shit out of you.

You know what I shouldn't even be defending them. They both deserve to fall off a damn fucking cliff.

Look at that. I think rehearsals are making you sentimental...

As we reached the gym doors that were propped open by two other staff members and again, much like lambs, were herded inside.

It's time.

The bleachers were covered with everyones families and distant relatives that somehow found a high school graduation important enough to sit through hours of poorly written speeches, being given by nervous young adults and washed-up teachers.

I easily found my family unsurprisingly, sitting just beside the Williams, since Mateo was on his feet cheering obnoxiously for me. What had surprised me to see though, was that Dean was there in the spot just beside him, dressed well as always, calmly clapping his hands like everyone else was. I swear, even from a distance, I could see him giving me his usual arrogant smile.

Rich kids. Always so full of themselves.

When is this poor hatred going to stop for the poor guy

Never. So shut the fuck up inside voice.

There was a small pool of folding chairs in the center of the gym, facing the decorated stage that was covered in faculty, sitting in more of those uncomfortable plastic folding chairs, with a podium resting in the center.

As the line of graduates was led into their corresponding rows of chairs, I was relieved that with the way we were seated, May was placed right in front of me.

"Pssst. May dayy," I whispered, leaning forward in my chair.

May peeked over her shoulder, grinning widely back at me and wiggling her brows. She reached a hand back and gave me a soft squeeze.

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