26 • I • H A T E • Y O U

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"Are you guys okay?" Mateo questions stepping down the last step and looking over at Dean and I

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"Are you guys okay?" Mateo questions stepping down the last step and looking over at Dean and I

I clear my throat and look at Dean then back at Mateo

"Yeah we're okay, I mean I had to deal with this piece of shit for... how long?" I say as a nervous chuckle seeps out. Calm down Chanel or he's going to realize something is wrong.

I mean what the fuck, I had to hurry off of Dean's lap, I didn't even get the damn chance to comprehend what the hell just happened. I mean who knows how long we were down here? I kissed Dean, I kissed the guy I've ever liked since seventh grade. But for fucks sake, was it right? do I even tell Mateo? there's no way, I know he would be upset.

Thats why... It can't happen, not again. Maybe I'm not thinking straight because I didn't get the chance to process it with Dean or maybe I'm simply underreacting. All I know is I don't know what the fuck to do now.

"13 hours"

"I'm sorry what?" Dean chokes and looks over at me then back at Mateo

I was down here for 13 fucking hours? With Dean? That's what he said Chan, admit it, it wasn't that bad, you guys had fun.

We hear footsteps come from behind Mateo and Maddie appears at his side.

"We were trying to text you guys" she looks at me and then eyes the hoodie that came from Dean and my eyes widen hoping Mateo doesn't catch on.

Fuck she knows, she knows something happened, a girl doesn't just eye you like that, especially if she knows that the person might have a thing with her brother's best friend.

I'm screwed. No, let's not jinx that, there's no way. Mateo has a horrible memory, right? Please, he can't catch on.

"I left my phone in the gym" Dean butts, clearing his throat and looking at Maddie, who was staring at the hood I was wearing. The hood that belonged to Dean Walton.

"We had no internet then my phone died I don't know how long ago" I respond avoiding complete eye contact with Mateo.

"What time is it right now?" Dean questions

Mateo looks at Dean realizing that he was now in his t-shirt and then looks back over to me raising a brow. Please tell me he did not realize it.

"You guys have anything to say?" Mateo questions quite calmly

"Mateo, what time is it?" Dean questions once again ignoring Mateo's question

"1 a.m," Maddie responds for Mateo

"I'm going to ask again," Mateo says a bit higher with slight annoyance and looks at Dean and me, "Do you guys have anything you'd like to say?"

"What are you talking about?" I question completely acting stupid in front of my brother knowing damn well exactly what he's talking about.

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